The Bathroom Incident

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   We arrived at an amazing, beautiful, huge, house. "(.... Name) (your name) hello anyone there?" I saw a pale hand wave in front of my face. I then realized Izzy was standing in front of me.

   "Oh sorry. Julie you have an amazing house!" I said still in awe.

   "Heh. Thanks," Julie said with a smile. "Well come on. Lets go have fun!" Julie said grabbing us and pulling us to her front door. We went inside and put our stuff down.

   "But I need to take a shower I'm sweaty. Can I use a bathroom?" I asked.

   "Yea me too!" the rest of the girls said.

   "Yea of course! I have two bathrooms upstairs and one downstairs and one in the basement,"  Julie said.

   "I'LL TAKE UP STAIRS!" Izzy yelled running up the stairs.

   "ME TOO!" I said following Izzy. Once we got up there we realized we didn't know where that was.

   "Uh Julie where are the bathrooms?" Izzy and me asked at the same time while walking back downstairs.

   "Oh sorry! I forgot it's your first time here," Julie said walking upstairs. We followed her into a bathroom. It was beautiful! The walls were a nice shade of gray and the tub was white with blue.

 It was beautiful! The walls were a nice shade of gray and the tub was white with blue

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   "Ok let me go get a few towels for you guys," Julie said walking out.

   "Ok I call this bathroom," Izzy said.

   "Ok fine," I said. Julie then walked in with four towels. She gave one to each of us. "Hey Julie. This is your bathroom right?" I asked.

   "Yep. Do you guys like it?" Julie asked.

   "Yes it's super cute!" I said.

   "Yea! The colors are awesome!" Izzy said.

   "Thanks!" Julie said. With that we left Izzy in the bathroom and we crossed a corner and walked a little more. We entered a blue decorated bathroom. Julie showed me how to get warm water and left.

After I was done I realized I had left my clothes downstairs. Fudge! I wrapped the towel Julie gave me around myself and walked out. I then heard a door open and footsteps coming my way.

"U-U-U-U-Uh h-hi (y-your n-name)" Garroth said blushing.

I felt my cheeks burn up. "H-Hi G-G-Garroth," I said stuttering.

"How ya d-d-doing?" Garroth said looking like a tomato at this point.

"I-I'm doing f-fine," I said."Well s-see your l-later," I said then ran downstairs grabbed my bag and ran into bathroom in less then an minute. I quickly changed and got out of the bathroom. That was SO EMBARRASSING!!! I thought as I went downstairs.

All the girls except Julie and Aphmau were waiting by the stairs that lead to the basement. "(Your name) what took you so long! And why do you look like a tomato exploded on your face?" Katelyn asked.

"U-Uh I don't want to talk about it," I said.

"Ok," Scarlet said suspicious.

~Time Skip~

When Julie and Aphmau finished taking a bath we watched a movie and ate some popcorn. After that we played some games. Pretty soon it was time to go.

We all said goodbye and started to leave to our houses. I got my skateboard and headed home. When I got there I saw that my parents and Aaron were eating.

"Hi! Sorry I'm late," I said sitting down with my family. They finished eating and soon after so did I.

   I headed up to my room and finished my homework. I started getting sleepy so I changed into my pajamas. I started watching (favorite tv show) and soon drifted asleep.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Clary Out!⚔⚔⚔

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