Truth Or Dare (Part Two)

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Thank you so so so much jess_sama for the ideas and dares! Please go follow her she's the best!
   "Ok (Your Name) your turn," Travis said.

I looked around the room and saw my brother glaring at Garroth. "AARON!" I yelled giving my own death glare at my brother. He put his hands up as if saying he was innocent. I gave him a stone hard glare and he finally stopped looking at Garroth . "Uh, Laurence! Truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare," Laurence replied.

"I dare you to run through the street, in your pajamas, screaming you crush's name," I said with an evil grin.

I heard Laurence sigh and go upstairs with his pajamas to change. When he returned he was wearing a navy blue and white stripped shirt with navy blue pants. We all walked out with him and he was yelling, "ISABELLE! ISABELLE! ISABELLE!" He kept screaming this right until he ran back to us out of red and really red, though I thought the redness wasn't from running.

We patted Laurence on the back. I saw Izzy's cheeks pink. I nudged her and looked between her and Laurence. I then whispered, "I totally ship it," Izzy blushed and we all laughed and walked back in side.

"Ok Laurence you turn, pick someone!" Katelyn said exited.

"I choose Aaron, truth or dare?" Laurence asked looked toward my brother.

"Truth," Aaron replied. While the rest of us frowned Laurence put a huge grin on his face. I wonder why? I mean dares are always fun unless.... HE HAS A PLAN!

I looked at Laurence waiting for him to give him a question. After three or four seconds Laurence said, "do you like Aph? If you do can you sing a song I whisper to you?" I have to admit Laurence is pretty smart turning a question into a dare.

"U-Uh..." Aaron said then muttered something.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Y-Yes," Aaron said scratching the back of his neck. Laurence then walked over to Aaron and whispered something. After a few minutes 'Baby by Justin Bieber' started playing but without words. I looked over to the tv and saw the lyrics where playing on them and then my brother started to sing like a baby just like Justin Bieber did at that time (sorry if you like him I just though this song was perfect for this) His singing was horrible which was even more hilarious. I took a secret video and thank Irene he didn't see me, he was too busy looking at Aphmau. We cracked up until the final word of the song.

We all clapped and Aph was just looking up and down trying to see Aaron but at the same time hiding her massive blushing. Aaron sat down and we went on to the next person. Scarlet was still on Eren's lap and Julie was still in her outfit I started to laugh even more.

"Garroth, truth or dare?" Aaron asked.

"DARE!" Garroth said or more liked yelled.

"I dare to dress up in a chicken suit, and act like a chicken for ten minutes," Aaron said.

"Oh my Irene," Garroth said but changed. He came back in a yellow chicken suit that was really fluffy. All that was left of Garroth was his face. I tried to hold in my laugher but failed miserably. When I laughed we all started to laugh and Garroth was just standing there.

"We'll come on CHICK-RROTH! Do your chicken dance!" I said. Garroth stepped to the middle of the room. He started to act like a chicken and
ca-cawing like a chicken. It was hilarious he did this and walking around pecking at things for the ten minutes.

   "Ugh, FINALLY!" Garroth said and walked up the stairs. When he came back we took a seat.

   We all started to clap. "Garroth... You are the best... chicken impersonator that I have... ever known," I said laughing.

   "Well it's time for me to pick, I choose Travis, he's one of the only people who haven't gone yet. We all looked at Travis. "Truth or dare, Travis?" Garroth asked.

   "Dare! Then I can touch da babessss~" Julie punched him and he shut up.

   "Well Travis I dare you to wear exactly what you crush is wearing for the rest of the game," Garroth said with a smirk.

   I mentally gasped, Oh my Irene! Does Garroth know who Travis likes? Maybe Katelyn... But she's just wearing normal clothes... I wonder who...

   Travis went upstairs and took forever to come back so Garroth went up there and after ten minutes they came back. Garroth walked down and then Travis did. Everyone burst to laughter.

   Travis was wearing the same outfit and makeup as Julie! He had short shorts, a blue bikini top which was easy to small for him, and makeup which by the way didn't look like makeup. It looked like he had gone through a rainbow and only his face was colored.

    Travis didn't look disturbed to much. In fact he was acting like he was on the runway which made all of us laugh even more. "Ok Eren your all that's left. Truth or dare?" Travis asked.

   "Dare," Eren replied. Scarlet was still on his lap and they seemed to stop blushing. I guess they don't realize where there sitting with all the funny dares.

   "I dare you to go onto the roof in a bra and boxers and scream 'I AM EREN JEAGER AND I LOVE TACOS AND LADIES!'" Travis said.

   "Really? Could you not have done anything else?" Eren asked.

   "If you want I could had said you do it naked," Travis asked with a giant, devilish smirk.

   We all walked out side meanwhile Eren got all dressed up and climbed on top of the roof. We took a few more steps back and were able to see Eren on the roof with a bra and Titan boxers. We all laughed and Eren yelled, "I AM EREN JEAGER AND I LOVE TOACOS AND LADIES!" It was hilarious.

   We all walked back inside and changed into pajamas and decided to watch a movie. Soon we all fell asleep.
Thank you so so much for 400 views you guys are awesome! I hope you laughed and enjoyed this chapter. Clary Out!⚔⚔⚔

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