Izzy's House

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AM I IN A DREAM???? Cuz I can't even believe this book is at 200 views!!!!! I can't believe my eyes😱😱😱! I want to thank all of you awesome people for reading! I'll stop rambling now. On to the story!
   I practically jumped out of bed because of excitement. TODAY IS THE SLEEPOVER!!! I thought. I took a bath, brushed my teeth, and ate some (favorite breakfast). I dumped my bag once more to make sure I had everything.

   Toothbrush? Check. Cosmetic things? Check. Pjs? Check. Extra pair of clothing? Check. (Favorite type of sneakers)? Check. Socks? Check. Sweater in case it's cold? Check. (Favorite candy)? Check. (Favorite snack)? Check.

   It seemed like I had everything I needed. AWESOME!


   I walked over and got my phone. I realized I had three text messages from a group chat.

~Things To Know~
A= Aphmau
K= Katelyn
S= Scarlet
J= Julie
I= Izzy
Y= You

~Text Message~
I: Hi guys!
J: Hey! I wanted to ask when should we be there?
A: Yea I was about to ask as well
I: Um... Like an hour and a half I'm still getting everything ready.
Y: Great! I'm so exited!!!
J: Lol
Y: 😂😂😂
I: Well I'll see you guys later I gotta get everything set up and ready! See ya in a bit!😜😜
A: Lol. Se ya!🙋🏻
J: Bye!
~Text Message End~

I put my phone down and watched an episode of (favorite show or anime). By the time it was finished it had been an hour. I got my bag and skateboard and headed out to Izzy's house.

   When I finally got there, I saw her house and I thought it was super nice. I knocked on the door and Izzy opened.
"Hey!" I said.

   "Hey! I'm so happy you could make it!" Izzy said letting me in. When I walked in I saw Julie and Katelyn were already here and they were watching an anime.

   I joined them and Izzy went downstairs and told us we couldn't follow her.

Izzy's POV
I went downstairs to the basement and made sure the girls didn't follow me.

When I reached the basement I saw that the decorations were almost complete, all that was left was the banner and the tiny marshmallow slippers.

I walked over to the food table and got a couple of the tiny marshmallows and the rainbow sprinkles and frosting.

I made and indent on the marshmallows to look like they were slippers and added the rainbow decorations and put a little face on each to look like a bunny face with ears.

I then walled over to the middle of the room and place the banner that said 'Welcome to the Slumber Party' and it had cute little pillows and slippers around it.

After that took a look at the whole room. The food stand had chocolate, waffles, candy, bagels, chips, and other snacks. The mini drink station had Coke, Sprite, water, and other sodas. I then looked at the middle and saw all the sleeping bags and millions of pillows and blankets. I took one last look at the room and saw the tv. Omg! I almost forgot about the movies! I thought running upstairs and giving the girls a glare so they wouldn't look at the room yet.

I ran up to my room and picked out some movies and some anime. I put them in a bag so the girls couldn't see and ran back into the room and placed it near the tv.

*Bell Noise*

That must be the door! I walked up and joined the girls at the door and opened it. The rest of the girls were standing on the other side with huge smiles and excitement on there face.

"Hey!" I said and let the remaining girls into my house. I walked downstairs have it one finial look and came back up. "Hey guys! The room is ready! You can come in now," I said really excited for my new friends to see the 'party' room I set up.
Hi sorry I haven't published in a while but I was busy with school supplies and just in general busy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you guys so so much for 200 views it means a lot to me! Clary Out!⚔⚔⚔

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