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Your POV
"Woah, this is awesome Izzy!" I said looking around the room. It was all decorated and stuff.

"Heh no problem! I don't usually have sleepovers so I wanted this to be super nice," Izzy said with a smile.

We all laid down in the sleeping bags that Izzy had for us. I had a (favorite color), Scarlet had a maroon one, Julie had a Red and Black one, Izzy had a mahogany one (comment if you get the Hunger Games reference), Aphmau had a purple one, and Katelyn had a light blue sleeping bag.

We all watched Akame Ga Kill and ate popcorn. We were watching the fifth episode when I said, "Hey guys I need to use the bathroom," I said standing up.

"Ok I'll come with you to show you where it is," Izzy said joining me at the stair we walked up and looked at the window...

   We both screamed and the rest of the girls came running up to see what happened.

Aphmau's POV
  We heard Izzy and (Your Name) scream and we all ran up to see what had happened.

   When we got up we saw they were starring at the window now with mad, vicious faces.

   I looked outside to see the Aaron attacking Eren. Then I saw Garroth fighting Laurence. After that I saw James with a furious face lunge at Travis.

   "WHAT WERE YOU DOING SPYING ON MY SISTER YOU PERVERT!!!!" I heard James yell meanwhile tackling Travis to the ground.

   "We were... going to knock I swear on Irene," Travis with a sweaky voice.

  "WHY WERE YOU STALKING MY DEAR LITTLE SISTER, HUH??!?!??" I heard Garroth yell while tripping Laurence.

   "DON'T YOU DARE RUN, EREN!! I WILL KILL YOU FOR TRYING TO STALK MY SISTER!!!" Aaron yell chasing Eren and finally tackling him to the ground.

   That's when we all yelled, "YOU WERE STALKING US?!?!?"

  We all looked at each other a knew our plan.

Your POV
   I walked over to the door and opened it. The boys all looked at me and I put my sweet face on. "Oh you poor boys, com in, come in," I said with a lovely smile.

   The boys all looked at each other and then back at me. They had nervous and scarred faces but got up and walked toward the door. I then felt a tap on my shoulder.

   I saw Izzy tippy toeing to reach my ear and whispers to me I gave her a nod and stood at the other side of the door.

   Our first victim was Travis. When we reached the door and was about to pass through it we both punched him in the side. He fell to the floor with a cry. The boys looked down at him then to us with very scared faces.

   "Oh come on dear, come on in," Izzy said with a murderous smile. The boys at this point looked terrified. Julie then grabbed Travis' hands and dragged him away to the rest of the middle of the floor to Aphmau, Scarlet, and Katelyn where he would be questioned.

   I saw Eren gulp down and close his eyes then walk toward us. This time Izzy punched him in the gut and I slapped his face as hard as I could. I saw a hand print on the side of his face completely red. I then looked down at my hand which was also red but I didn't really care.

   Julie again dragged Eren away and Aaron stepped up. Izzy and me kicked him to the floor where Katelyn dragged him this time. Laurence then made a run for it but Scarlet ran at lightning speed and tackled him before he could cross the street. She kicked his face and grabbed his shirt dragging him back into the house. The boys looked back and knew they couldn't beat the inevitable. We were going to kick this butts.

~•~•~Time Skip to after kicking and punching and questioning~•~•~

   I looked back at the boys that were now full of bruises and cuts. "Are you guys sorry you messed with us now? I mean how stupid can you be to stalk girls who are in combat and super strong?" I asked looking at allow them.

   "We promise we won't do it again," all the boys said.

   Us girls smiled and then helped them up. "Well now that you learned your lessons I think if you want you can stay over," Izzy said.

   "Really?" Garroth asked in disbelief.

   "Yeah, if it's ok with your parents," Izzy replied.

   "Yeah it's cool," Aaron said.

   "Cool so what do you guys wanna do?" Aphmau asked exitedly when we all settled in. Izzy had grabbed some more sleeping back and we were all sitting in the middle of the room.

   I looked around with a mischievous smile and said, "TRUTH OR DARE!!!!"
Thank you all so much for reading! If you have any ideas or recommendations for truth or dare please comment them. Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Clary Out!⚔⚔⚔

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