Chapter 5: Feeling Antsy?

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• ~ Chapter 5 ~ •

*Piper's P.O.V*

The girls and I giggled as we held the jars in our hands "I don't know if this is a good idea, girls. What if we get caught!" Emily whispered causing the rest of us to groan quietly.
"Come on, Em, live a little!" Grace said with a childish grin while Stacey and I just nodded.
"You won't regret it when you see that look on their face!" I perk in, persuading her.

She huffs and slumps behind us as we make our way into the boys' locker room. All the boys were in the gymnasium playing what sounds like dodge-ball, so the girls and I decide to mess with all four of them.

Emily hesitantly walked over and stood in front of Luke's locker with the jar full of our little creepy-crawlies in her hand, while Grace and Stacey stood in front of Alec's and Jace's locker. I was left stood in front of Satan's spawns' locker with a demonic grin on my face as I turned to the girls, who had matching grins aside from Emily who looked like she was about to crap herself.

"Em, seriously, they're just insects. I know you care about creatures and stuff but they won't get too badly hurt" I justify for her.
"I don't care about the ants, well i do, but I care more about how much trouble we will get in if we're caught" Emily whined.
"Well, if you kept your whiny mouth shut, we won't get caught!" Grace sneered, shutting Emily right up as she sighed and looked around nervously.

I made eye contact with Emily and Grace as I nodded and they opened up the boys' lockers, followed by Stacey and I. DJ's locker was annoyingly squeaky as I crunched my face with every little noise it made, hoping it wouldn't echo and getting 'shh'd constantly by Grace to keep it quiet.

I unzipped the small backpack and opened the lid of my jar as I tipped the jar carefully into the bag and quickly zipped it back up just enough so there was still a gap for the ants to escape then shoved the now empty jar into my handbag.

I turned around to see Grace and Stacey giggling quietly as we all shut the locker's we just intruded. We headed out of the locker room and discussed where we would sit to watch this all unravel; hoping this would all go to plan.

Grace suggested we sit at the table closest to the locker rooms but then Stacey stated that it would've been "too obvious" so we settled at our usual location at the table in the middle of the cafeteria.

What was it DJ said the other night? Oh yeah....

Buckle Up, Princess....

*DJ's P.O.V*

The boys and I ran towards the locker room to change out of our sports gear and into our original clothes, I swung the door open with a chuckle as Alec and Jace argued over who was the best "Team Leader" and to be honest with you, they were both shocking. We all opened our lockers and pulled out our clothes, tearing off our sweat-ridden tops and replaced them with fresh ones from the morning.

"DJ, who you think the best Team Leader was?" Jace shot at me, crossing his arms like the sassy little girl he is.

I rolled my eyes and held my hands up in defence.

"Don't bring me into your bitch fests, boys" I said with a cheeky grin as Jace huffed.
"See, he's only saying that because you know he thinks I am the best Team Leader!" Alec justified as Jace just groaned and rolled his eyes as he put a shirt over his bare torso.
"Believe what you want, dipshit" He shot back.

I closed my locker and flung my backpack over my shoulder, along with the other boys and waited for them to be ready. I felt something crawling on my arm and diverted my vision to an ant crawling down my arm and flicked it off, fucking ants.

The boys walked towards the door to the cafeteria but as I was about to open it, I was stopped by a blood curdling screech. My head shot backwards to Luke who was slapping himself and wiggling around the whole locker room just screaming like a 2 year old, Jace started to freak out as ants were crawling all over his body and Alec was doing the same.

Luke came charging towards me with a look of horror on his face "FUCKING ANTS!" He screamed as he tried to push through the door but tripped over his own feet, so he fell through the door and landed on the floor slapping himself and screaming as ants scattered his body.... what the hell is going on?

I looked back at the boys and they were both running towards the door as they were also slapping themselves like maniacs and suddenly it was my turn as I felt ants crawling underneath my clothes and up my neck.

I ripped off my shirt and backpack and tried to scrape all of the rodents off of me but there was too many, I felt something crawling around my legs and then that's when the most embarrassing thing happened. I screamed. Like a 3 year old girl.

The ants started biting us all, obviously feeling threatened by us trying to get them off of our bodies and I ripped my trousers off, slapping my legs. Alec and Jace ran out the door only to be tripped by Luke's squirming, screaming body. I followed and tried to step over the boys but ended up face-first on the cafeteria floor. I managed to get some of the ants off as I squirmed along side the boys but there was just too many.

All of sudden, whilst I was in the middle of hyperventilating and screaming, I felt the boys freeze beside me. I ignored it as I hurriedly tried to get these little shits off my skin, why the fuck do they bite so hard? How did they even get in my locker? I'm so suing this fucking school!

My thoughts were interrupted by Jace punching my arm as he was left staring at the cafeteria.

Oh, for fuck sake...

There we were, the four "bad boys" of the school, screaming and having fits on the floor in our underwear... over ants.

The whole cafeteria was engulfed in fits of laughter and I could even see people recording this. I can't believe this is actually happening, I've never wanted to crawl into a shell and not come out more in my life...

"What's wrong, DJ?" I heard an incredibly obnoxious voice ask.
"You look a little tense...or should I say, antsy?" Piper said as she broke into another loud fit of her disgusting, cynical giggles.

My eyes narrowed as I stood and stalked up to her, getting in her face.

"This was you!?" I bellowed.
"Well, duh" She said as she shrugged.
"And you said I was dumb" Piper scoffed and walked off with her little clique of dimwitted cu-

************************WELL THAT'S JUST ABOUT IT FOR THIS CHAPTER LMAO. Thanks guys for the reads, let us know what ya'll think about it!

That's Emily in the media link up the top!


- Beck xo

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