Chapter 2: Introducing DJ

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• ~ Chapter 2 ~ • 

*DJ's P.O.V*

I walked through the doors to my personal hell as I got my signature stares from my fellow peers, having them whisper and snicker at me and my reputation. You see, I'm known as the Bad Boy at this school which is hilarious because they're not exactly wrong. 

I'm an angsty teen male that completely repels the attraction of any girls besides my best friends, Amelia and Kolleen, and hangs out at the back of the school with my friends as we fuck around and prank the "popular" kids.

I saw my favourite head of bright orange hair and smirked to myself as I thumped the back of her head and stepped to the left as she turned to her right, she slowly turned back around then jumped a mile "JESUS!" she screamed.
 "DJ will do, thanks" I said as I winked cheekily at her. 

She sarcastically laughed then punched my arm.

"Ow!" I yelped.
 "For a tiny girl, you know how to pack a punch" I chuckled as we fell into step with each other whilst walking to our normal spot where our 'clique' hangs out.

We made small talk discussing the events that occurred as we continued to ignore the stares and whispers directed at us when all of a sudden, there was a sudden weight in front of me that stopped me from moving and stumble backwards a little followed by a high-pitched screech and sounds of a big thump. 

I was genuinely confused at the sound, wondering if the screech was me then realised that I'm not a 5 year old girl which the screech scarily resembled. I came back into reality and looked down to see none other than the queen barbie doll on the floor, holding her head and groaning.

"What the absolute hell are you doing!? Have you ever thought of, oh; I don't know, maybe watching where you're walking!?" Her voice pierced my ears and annoyance filled my senses.
"Have you ever thought of using your inside voice? Jesus, barbie doll, if you screamed any louder I think my ears would've bled" I glared at her as I wiggled my finger in my ear to try and adjust the ringing that's making my head thump.

Her murky green eyes turned into slits as she glared up at me.
"I think someone needs an appointment at spec-savers because none of this would have happened if you'd opened your eyes in the first place!" She sneered which caused me to chuckle.
"Spec-savers? Really? That's the most original comeback you have? Maybe you should pay attention to the world yourself because it takes two to tango and maybe if you weren't so caught up with that electronic box in your hand, you'd have the brain to move around me. The world doesn't revolve around you, barbie" I justified as Kolleen and I walked around her.

Kolleen looked back and smiled at her sitting on the floor "See, it's not that hard" Koleen said as we both laughed and walked off, leaving Piper and her desperate minions behind with their mouths hung open. 

We walked out of the back doors and made our way to the fountain down in the back corner of the courtyard where Amelia, Alec and Luke stood. Luke and Alec were smoking cigarettes and laughed as Amelia was going on one of her famous rants.

"What are you going on about now, Lia?" I chuckled.
"Okay, D, you're here and you're not a complete dumb-ass, right?" Which caused me to snort and shrug my shoulders at her question.
"Do you agree with me that maths is totally and completely unreasonable? Like, why the heck do we have to calculate a freaking triangle? A TRIANGLE? How the fuck is that going to help me in the future?" Amelia exclaims which has the boys rolling their eyes and Kolleen to laugh at her.

"Please tell me you agree with me" She sighs, usually it was easier to just agree with her but she actually had a point.
"You have a point dude, why don't you send a strongly worded email to Obama and see if he agrees" I stated and they all cackled whereas Amelia just glared at me.
"I was wrong, you are a complete dumb-ass" She stated as she leaned against the wall next to the fountain which made us all laugh harder.


*Piper's P.O.V*

The girls continued to stand there, frozen, with their mouths hung open. I huffed and started to push myself up off the floor, Emily quickly rushed over to help me up and I thanked her. 

I glared at the asshole's back as he casually strolled out of the back doors "Who the hell does he think he is talking to you like that?" Grace seethed "Is he new or something?" I asked the girls, curiously.
"No, he's in my Bio class. He also happens to be my brother's best friend" Stacey states.

Stacey had a twin brother named Alec which was funny because they looked nothing alike, their personalities were polar opposites and not to mention that everybody is shocked when they find out because they completely avoid each other at school "Ugh, your brother needs a better taste in friends" I rolled my eyes, earning a giggle from Stacey.
"Tell me about it, they're always at my house and all they do is listen to whatever it is they call it, but it's definitely not music!" Stacey laughed again, causing us all to giggle.

"It's called Metal" I said before I could stop myself, my eyes going a little wide as the girls looked at me with curious glares.
"Well, a-at least that's just what I've heard from the nerds that sit behind me in class" I stuttered, trying to laugh it off.
"Don't you usually ignore them?" Grace questioned.
"W-Well, yeah. But, who can completely ignore them when they never shut up about it?" I scoffed. 

The girls all nodded their heads and agreed that it could get pretty hard and annoying how they constantly talk about pointless crap. I sighed, softly thanking the lord that I dug myself out of that hole.

We all walked to our next classes, mine being English. I walked through the doors and groaned internally when I saw a certain ass-hat sitting in the back left corner. I took my place in the centre row on the right wall where I put my black Prada handbag on the seat and slapped my book down on the table, quickly glancing around the room before I hurriedly opened and closed the secret pocket in my handbag to retrieve a pen.

I fished my phone out of my back pocket and began to text Stacey to make sure she's not backing out of our plans tonight "Ms Reynolds, you're aware of the notes on the board that you should be copying out, correct?" Miss Crafter's nasally voice enquired.
 "Well, yeah I can see, Miss. I'm not blind" I replied but shortly afterwards heard a raspy snort in the back left of the classroom.
I rolled my eyes as he sneered out "Are you sure?" I turned around in my seat and glared at him.

He didn't have a book on his desk, in fact, he didn't have anything except his earphones plugged into his left ear.
"Well, yes. Because, as I can see, you don't even have as much as a piece of paper or pencil so you're not going to get the information needed for the upcoming tests which you will fail causing you to fail school, drop out and probably end up on the streets after your parents kick you out of home because you'll be 30, worthless and most likely end up with multiple sexual transmitted diseases because the only kind of love and affection you can get is from dirty, desperate sluts on a pole" I sneered.

His eyes turned into dark and murderous slits and the room fell silent as I heard multiple gasps from my peers.
"Ms Reynolds! That was quite uncalled for, to the principal's office, now!" I scoffed and grabbed my bag and book, storming out of the classroom. 

There was no way in hell that I was going to the principal's office, let me just leave it at that...



Hey y'all so I haven't written in so long so thanks for reading, means heaps that you would take time out of your day! Comment and tell me what you think so far! I'm really excited for this book and it's outcome :)

-Beck xo

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