Just Like Fire

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Clary's P.O.V:

Knowing I could count on Simon to do what was said before, I raced through the woods to the institute.

My mind was twisting through my head, and I almost felt unbalanced when I was running.

By the time I get to the institute, the tracking should be done, so all I need to do is find out where Sebastian is.
Easy enough.

But, one thing I've learned from these past couple of days is that nothing is easy.


I crashed though the doors of the institute, and slammed them shut behind me. Immediately, I ran to the library, knowing Magnus was in there with everyone else.

"Hey, did you finish the tracking?" My eyes searched Magnus' eyes, looking for an answer.

"Yeah, we finished a couple of minutes ago. Right now, we are discussing some things on how to safely get Jace and kill Sebastian once and for all. Come sit down, biscuit."

For the first time this week, everything was smoothly.
It was a pleasant surprise.

Magnus showed me the map of where they thought Jace was.
A marker circled an area not in a demon releam but in Alicante.

"Sebastian has Jace in Alicante?" My voice rose in fear; many bad things happened in Alicante last time Sebastian was there.

"Actually.... No. Jace, according to my tracking, is in Alicante. Sebastian is unknown. We couldn't track him. Our guess is that Sebastian isnt with jace but somewhere else like a trap. If you go and get Jace, he'll attack the institutes around the world like last time. But, we warned everybody about the threat, so you could try to find Jace. My words of advise are run. Run if you smell or fear danger. Once you walk into danger, there's no certainty that you'll come back." Magnus' cat eyes shone darkly upon me.

I rounded the room to say my goodbyes and I was off. Only holding my stele, a bag, and those words that boomed in my head.

Once you walk into danger, there's no certainty that you'll come back.


Everytime I closed my eyes, I would see Jace. His beautiful golden eyes, his sun tanned skin marked with scars and runes, his face, shining brightly and as usual, so handsome.

My Jace was taken by Sebastian, the monster.

I was going to find him, even if I died while doing it.

The way Luke took me the first time I went to alicante is the way I'm taking now. It's not going to take a week, but it will take a few days.

My feet pound on the cement, and rocks fly all about me. The sun is setting, I have to get to somewhere quick. I sprint on my tiny feet and they carry me to a cave.

I open my bag and pull out my witchlight. It glows powerfully as it touches my hand. Beams of light spread through the cave, lighting up everything.

Before I left, Izzy gave me her ruby pendant, it's beautiful ruby color beating like a heart.

"Crap." I sputter as I know demons must be close.

My hand rummages through the bag, clenching onto my stele. Quickly but efficiently, I draw a few runes on my arms. Along with my stele, I also pulled out a sword and a seraph blade.

As I move closer to the back corner of the cave, the pendant flashes red.
My hand is shaking but it steadies when I remember Jace, and how I have to save him.

Of Fire And Ashes- Second Book In The 'Loving A Jace Herondale' SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now