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I watched her. I was doing my job well and she never even knew I had been watching her for the past year or so. She could be a clumsy little thing, falling while running and easily bumping into things that were right in front of her. Over a year of watching her do almost the same routine over and over again. Go to work almost before the sun was out and get out almost eight/nine hours later. She looked exhausted every time but always seemed to wear a smile when she left the coffee shop she worked at.

I noticed that her smile always made others smile right back at her. She had such beautiful light brown eyes, that almost looked gray at times or even a bit blue and I guess always putting her hair in a ponytail was the fastest way to do it and get out the door. I noticed she also spent little time with her mother and didn't really have many friends since most were in collage, but she did manage to keep her boyfriend around with the little time they also saw each other. I was shocked the first time I saw him and noticed he would be staying there over night without her mother there, but then I guess her mother couldn't but to many rules on her then eighteen year old daughter.

I watched her as she came out of her small apartment she lived in with her mother and kissed her shirt less boyfriend Jackson I believe was his name on the lips while smiling at him. As she turned to walk away he grabbed her by her waist and pulled her into his arms for another kiss. It pissed me off and I found myself putting my hands into fist by my side. She didn't know who he really was. She finally broke free from him while laughing and started walking to her job, he went back inside the apartment and shut the door. As I was in my running gear I started jogging on the same sidewalk she was walking on and managed to bump into her.

"What the fu-.'' I interrupted her.

"I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?'' She turned around and looked at me and her eyes opened a bit wide. I smiled at her and noticed she was gawking at me. I took a strand of hair that fell from her ponytail and tucked it behind her ear. That got her attention pretty quick and she snapped out of whatever she was thinking about and backed away while her cheeks went from pink to red.

''Oh I'm fine, I'm not hurt.''

''Rose right?'' I smiled at her. She nodded her head, not being able to talk. "I was just jogging to the coffee shop a few streets down. I herd theres a girl there that makes really good coffee.'' She managed to blush even more and smile at me.

"Hmm...well...well I...I work there. What I mean is I was just heading over there cause I work there and you can walk with me if you want the company. If not you can totally keep jogging.'' She was looking down at her feet and playing with her hands. I found this cute about her, she easily became nervous around me, but for the job I had to do I couldn't risk being seen with her too much and so I declined her offer and started to jog away. She didn't even know who I was and how would she. I was her brother from another mother and the same father. Reason why we really didn't look anything alike. I got all my looks from my mother and well my father I didn't find out who he was till I turned sixteen and went looking for him. That's a story for another time.

I made it to the coffee shop before her and ordered my coffee. On my way out she was coming in the door with her head down looking at her phone and didn't notice someone in front of her. Her head hit my chest pretty hard but it didn't faze me unlike her who almost fell to the floor if with my free hand I didn't catch her by the waist and save her.

"We have to stop meeting like this sweet cheeks.'' I whispered in her ear as she still held on to my shirt for dear life. She backed out of my hold while looking at me. With a little smirk I made my way out of the coffee shop.

I made it back to the apartment I was staying at and placed the cup of coffee down. I wasn't big on coffee, I'm more of the hot chocolate type with whip cream on top. I laid on my couch and just as my eyes were closing my phone rang.

"Yeah?'' I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Awww did I disturb your beauty sleep?''

"No I was just waking up Rafe. What's wrong?'' Rafe always had to say things in a funny manner, always the joker, but he was the number one person I could always count on, even with my life.

"Well seems we found out some interesting news. We need the plan to happen sooner then we thought.''

"How soon are we talking about?''


I hung up the phone and looked at the time. I had about twelve hours before the plan was to be set in motion, if not thirteen hours at the most. I made a few phone calls here and there and made sure everyone knew what they were to do. The plan having to be in motion today I wanted nothing of nothing to go wrong. We needed to do what we all had to do and get out of here as fast as possible leaving no evidence behind.

The good thing about this apartment was that I had nothing in it. A couch to sleep on and maybe some drinks in the fridge. I spent my time ordering food or eating out. I couldn't wait to get back home to some homemade food. I took a shower and then got dressed, then packed the little things I had brought with me. I looked at myself in the mirror and stared into my green eyes.

"Today is the day." I whispered to myself.

There was a knock on my door and I went and opened it. It was none other then another good friend of mine Adelina. She walked like she owned the place and sat on the couch.

''It's set. I called out of work, at very late notice like you told me to do and Rose took my shift.'' She smiled at me. "Sooo." She got off the couch walking up to me and placed her red nail finger on my chest. "What are we going to do until then.'' She smirked at me.

"Not today Adelina. There are much more important things to worry about then me fucking you.'' She looked taking back but she should know me by now. She glared at me with her blue eyes and took a step closer to me.

"You've been telling me the same thing for months now. I know I'm just a fuck to you but-.'' I pushed her away and made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a drink.

''Then know your place Adelina, and when I fucking say no it's NO! So keep your mouth shut, I need some rest before tonight as do you. There's some blankets in the closet and a fold up mattress in there as well, make yourself comfy on the floor.'' She stomped away and I made my way to the couch for some much needed rest. Tonight better go as planned.


OKOK so yay more then one update this week. I was a tad bit bored and just decided to write. These updates are written on the spot off the top of my head. I'm not big on writing planned chapters, I go with the flow type of thing...

What do you think of Jensen Ackles? MMMmmm those dam green eyes!

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