Meeting Rafe & Caterina

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              I tried opening my eyes but it was bright as hell. I was in someone's arms, a man was carrying me. My head was pounding and I buried my face more into this mans chest to get my eyes away from the dam light that was to bright. I herd him laugh and my eyes snapped opened, I pushed myself out of his arms and almost fell on my ass if he hadn't caught me and picked me up again.

             "Stop fighting me Rosa, it's too dam early for this shit. Just when I was ready to take a nice deserved vacation I get a call from the boss that you ran off into the woods but not before you kicked him in the palle. You have guts I give you that.'' He said laughing.

          "Can you place me down. I have my own legs to walk with.'' He placed me down but took hold of my wrist and handcuffed my wrist to his.

          "You like to run and I'm not taking any chances. You got pretty far which is pretty amazing, did you run track in school?'' He was looking down at me with a smile on his face.

         "Who are you?'' He laughed and smiled at me and man did he have a beautiful smile and pretty white teeth, it went perfect with his green eyes. Were all the men like this, just drop dead gorgeous.

         "I'm Rafe, Demetrius little brother. Of course also the better looking one. Next time you need help with your outfit just give me a call'' He said as he smiled down at me even laughed.

          "Also a smart ass I see.'' He laughed even harder, which made me laugh as well and then me head started to hurt again. I lifted my hand and touched the top front part of my head and it hurt even more, I had to stop walking as I felt light headed.

         ''Told you, you should have let me carry you back to the mansion. Did your arms not work to catch yourself before you smashed you head onto a rock?'' I couldn't even talk anymore as I ended up passing out again.


           I woke up again with my head hurting me, but this time I was laying down in a really comfy bed. I didn't even want to move or get out, who knew what was going to happen to me now that I was back in his house. I slowly lifted myself up and regretted it the second I did.

          "Oh honey lay back down, I'll go get a cold cloth for that head of your.'' I looked to my left and a beautiful lady walked back in from the bathroom and placed a cold wet cloth onto my head while looking down at me.

          "Who are you?'' I asked her as I cleared my throat.

           "Did my husband not mention me, that silly man.'' What husband was she talking about.

           "Oh my goodness you Demetrius wife, Caterina?'' I said a bit to loud as I sat up again letting the cloth fall from my head. She looked at me amused by what I said and burst out laughing.

          "Good lord no, I'd be surprise if there's a women out there that can tame that savage of a man.'' Now I was really confused and she must have read my face because she laughed even more. "I am Rafe's wife the man that got you back here safe and sound.''

        "Oh, that's right. He is a silly man.'' I told her as she smiled down at me. I started thinking of what I had done and zoned out. Was he going to kill me now that I tried to run and wasn't very successful at it. I should have waited and gave myself more time to think things through, to get to know this place and maybe him and when his guard was really down then that could have been my chance.

       "Rose?'' I was brought out of my thoughts as Caterina had sat down next to me on my bed and touched my shoulder. "Why are you crying?'' I wiped the tears from my face and looked away.

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