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My head was spinning as Demetrius took hold of me and spin us around laying me down on the bed as he got on top of me. His lips moved from my lips to my neck and he kicked and sucked my neck driving me crazy. I squeezed my legs on his waist and I could feel the bulge from his shorts, it was hard and big. Demetrius took my top off and grabbed my left tit in his hand and squeezed it lightly, goosebumps appeared all over my body from him kissing my neck and grabbing my tit. Oh no. what was I doing? I cant do this, no, not now. I'm not ready.

"Are you scared?'' He asked. Being in my thoughts I hadn't even realized he had stopped what he was doing and was watching my face expressions.

"No.'' I lied. He raised his eyebrow calling my bluff. "Well yes. I always wanted to wait until marriage. Jackson respected that part of me so we always did other things but never actually had sex.'' I wasn't looking at him, I was looking everywhere else but him.

"Don't ever speak about him in my presence again.'' There it was again that tone of always that always has me wanting to run to my bed and hide under the covers.

"He's my boyfriend.'' He got up off of me and sat on the bed, I got up and sat next to him. I could never read his face and sometimes I wish he would show some type of emotion besides anger.

"There's a lot of things you don't know Rosa and right now is not the time to say anything. You should go to bed, I head back to work tomorrow and Maria should be here to help you with anything you need.'' Demetrius was looking at the wall as he spoke, and I didn't want to go sleep in my cold bed alone. Sleeping in his bed yesterday I didn't have any weird dreams or scary ones for that matter.

"Can I stay in your room tonight? I'll sleep on the floor.'' I said while looking down at my hands. He took hold of my chin and tilted my head so I would look at him in the eyes.

"Nonsense.'' He whispered to me. "You will sleep in my bed tonight close to my body with my arms wrapped around you. I'm a man that knows how to show and give respect. So come.'' He said while getting up and walking to the side of the bed and pulling the covers back.

I stood up and grabbed my shirt from the floor and put it on while climbing into the bed and Demetrius put the covers over me and climbed over me and laid next to me doing exactly what he said he will do. He was right in what he said he showed respect. While by now Jackson would have been pushing me to sleep with him and we would end up arguing sometimes and he would sleep on the floor. Demetrius was very different, he didn't push me or nag. I somehow felt like he understood.

"Tell me something about yourself I might not already know Rosa.'' He whispered in my ear. I turned to face him and looked at his face.

"Something like what?'' I asked him looking into his eyes.

"Something personal, that not many others know.'' He said while brushing a hair out of my face and behind my ear.

I looked at him and smiled just a little, he could be so scary one minute and caring the next. I loved how his arms wrapped around me and made me feel safe and secure. From what I could tell from these short days of being with him was that he was not a man to be messed with he scared the shit out of me sometimes keeping me on my toes but he also made my heart beat out of my chest from time to time. I can never read on his face what he was maybe thinking or how he felt but I'm sure there's a reason for it, plus you cant be a Boss and have everyone reading your next move. I knew he did more then just simple work, I have herd and seen on the news about those in the mafia that have gotten caught.

Could I trust this man with the story I was about to tell him?


OOOOOOOOO Story from the past!

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