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I swear that some people just get a job for the fuck of it. I have a job because I need it, I have bills to pay with my mother and I'm trying to save for collage no matter how long it takes I want to go at some point. I want for my mother to own a house and get out of our crappy apartment that we don't even enjoy cause were to busy working. So it was no surprise to me when Jack my boss from the coffee shop asked me if I wanted to pick up another shift for that night and do a double. Of course I said yes, more hours equals more money.

"So who called out this time?'' I asked him while pouring two cups of coffee for one of my tables.

"The one and only miss Adelina, I'm thinking of letting her go soon she just calls out to much and I need people that are going to be here.'' Jack said as he made his way to his office in the back.

"Well you have me.'' I smiled at him and then went to drop off the coffee's to my table.

I didn't even understand why Adelina even wanted to work in a place like this that didn't even pay much. On top of that she seemed to call out almost once every week. When she came to work her nails were always nicely done as was her shiny blond hair and perfect looking makeup. She just didn't fit the profile of someone that needed a job as a waitress as a small coffee shop. So far she lasted over a year here with me but I understood Jack letting her go and needing someone that wanted to work. She was a bit snotty at times but not a bad person, I don't know maybe her parents made her get a job or something to teach her the value of money. We didn't have long conversations or even hang out of the coffee shop. She always seemed busy or on her phone, so I just let her be. She didn't bug me and I didn't bug her.

"Hey Rose, Only fifteen minutes till we close and the tables have been all wiped down. If you want I'll finishe cleaning up the kitchen so you can get home to your boyfriend.'' One of my co workers Jen said as she took some napkins and started wiping down the counters in the kitchen.

"Thanks Jen I really appreciate that. I'll see you tomorrow ok.'' Jen was a pretty red head with bright blue eyes and freckles on her cheeks. She was really smart but had fallen in love with the wrong person in high school so when she became knocked up he left her to deal with it all on her own. Jen didn't end up being on her own her mother and father helped her out and are there for her in every way possible. She had to promise them that she will go to collage and get a part time job to at least pay for her daughters things and that's just what she did. She gets three days off to spend with her daughter after school and I'm happy for her, she has become a good friend to me as I to her.

"Hey Jack, I'm heading home ok. I'll see you tomorrow, Jen's in the kitchen cleaning up what's left.''

"Ok hun, See you tomorrow.'' He waved at me and I took off my apron on the way out and held it in my hands.

It was a nice night out as summer was approaching, and I loved nights like this where I was in no hurry to run home, the air felt nice. I did remember that Jackson was at my apartment and I couldn't wait to get there to be with him before he left. As I was walking down the side walk my phone buzzed and speaking of the devil it was Jackson.

"Hey babe, I'm on my way back. I'll be there soon I cant wait to see you.''

"Yeahh, about that I said I was out fot two days I forgot to mention the one night part. I'm already heading back to campus. I'll call you and let you know when my next days off are ok R.''

Then he hung up the phone. I looked down at my phone and watch the screen turn black. Well there goes my night of hoping to spend more time with him. I put my phone away in my back butt pocket and looked up at the sky as I walked into the park which was a shorter way of getting to my apartment. I hardly ever walk through here when its dark because the silence kind of freaked me out, tonight not even the leaves of the trees moved. So as I started walking I even started to freak out a bit picking up my pace, kind of running yet walking at the same time. I thought I herd footsteps behind me but when I looked back no one was there. Dam it Rose get a hold of yourself. I told myself in my head. I took a deep breath and started walking normal again, but then I herd it again, foot steps. This time I didn't turn around and they came closer and closer. I wasn't hearing things, NO! Not this time.

I started running, but my legs were slower then my brain and someone had grabbed me by the waist and pushed my back into their chest. From how strong the arms and chest were I knew it had to be a guy. He tried to put his hand over my mouth so I wouldn't yell and I bite down on his finger and threw my head back banging it into his face and he let go of me while yelling and cursing in some other language and in English. I took that as my chance to run, as I ran into the woods rubbing the back of my head, branches scratched up my arms and my phone had managed to fall out of my pocket I tried to see where it had landed and where I was going but it was so dam dark. I felt like I was back in my dream except this time it wasn't a dream and someone was really after me and I had no idea what to do. Of course I had to be stupid and run into the dam woods. I was out of breath and tired, I guess that's what I get for not exercising. I Stopped near I tall thick tree and tried to catch my breath. When I thought I was all set and able to breath some what normal I took a left and banged into a hard chest.

"Shit.'' I yelled out as I held my nose that hurt. I was quickly picked up and placed over someone's shoulder. I tired scratching his back and slapping and punching but it did nothing. "Put me the fuck down.'' I yelled.

"As you wish princess.'' And I landed right on my ass in a patch of grass. "Don't even try running again.'' I felt something cold on the side of my forehead and I didn't dear move. He was holding a gun to my head. "You busted Rico's nose back there and your lucky he wasn't the one who found you. He would have done a number on you.'' He grabbed me by the arm and picked me up off the ground. I started breathing harder, panicking. What the hell did he want with me? There was then one of them after me. Was I going to be sold and put in prostitution. Oh my goodness, Were they going to rape me? "Can you clam the fuck down and start breathing so dam hard, if you pass out I'll feed you to the dogs.''

"What do you want with me?'' I asked him while trying to clam down and think of a way out of this. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

"I'm not the one that wants you princess. I'm just taking orders.'' With all the strength I had I pulled my arm out of his grasp and kicked him in the nuts and started running again.

"Rose?'' I knew that voice. I turned around to see Adelina behind me. I ran towards her.

"Adelina? Oh my goodness is that you? Someone is after me.'' I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw two men near her. I backed up until I hit a tree. wasn't a tree but yet another person. Before I could yell a hand came around my mouth with a cloth in it and as inhaled it my nose burned as well as my throat and then everything went black.


:D SOO two updates in one day. I was on a roll but I'm done for now! Enjoy! let me know of misspelled words.

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