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Last night, I went to sleep thinking about Harry. Selfish, cocky, son-of-a-bitch Harry. I lay in bed trying my best to plan out my week. I only have classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, but I still have work on all days of the week.

When my alarm finally goes off, I press the snooze quickly and climb out of bed. I look at all of my dresses and skirts and pants suits and sigh. I walk over to my drawer and pull out my sweatpants and a sweatshirt. As I pull them on I can almost hear my mother's agonizing critisizm as if she was standing right next to me. "Dress kindly not unmannerly." I roll my eyes and grab the uggs that have been in the back of my closet since forever.

I didn't spent much time in the bathroom before checking on Andrea to make sure that she's alright. She drunk a lot last night and I know she's about to feel like shit. I peek into her room and see her wrapped up in her covers. Her mouth wide open. I figured she wouldn't be coming to class today. She comes most of the time, but when she's sick or, as of right now, hung over she's either going to be late or doesn't come at all. It's better when she is there because she takes all of my attention away from Harry.

I've told her that I hate him and all but I never told her the full story. I've never really told anyone. From what I know, no one knows about what happened between Harry and I except for me, Harry, and Cameron and that's how I want to keep it. Before I go to class I decide to stop by the main hall and get a cup of coffee. God knows I need it.

As I walk towards the main hall, I pass a group of girls that seem to be talking about what sounded like another party. I roll my eyes thinking about, once again, what Harry said to me last night. That was cruel, even for him.

I grab a coffee cup and make my coffee before heading back into the halls. I stop in my tracks when I see Harry leaning on a wall with sunglasses on. I scoff and continue to walk past him. He looks up at me as but I ignored his presents completely.

I let out a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding when I finally get into the room. I walk towards the back to find a seat and take out my books. I look over to see Professor Henry sorting papers on his desk before starting class.

After about five minutes writing down everything that the professor was saying, I look up to see Harry slowly walking in the door. "Glad you could join us Mr. Styles." He looks around the room until his eyes land on me. I look down quickly to my paper. Pretending to busy.

The next thing I know I see the chair next to me being pulled away from the desk followed by Harry sitting in it. I look over to him briefly before continuing to ignore him. "Are you really going to look at me like that?" He asks. He's still not here... "We should talk. You know, catch up." He says before taking off his shades.

"Are you joking right now?" I ask, slowly looking up at him.

"No, we-"

"That's the last thing I want to do." I interrupt.

Did he loose all of his memory or something?

"Bye." I shoo him off. "If this is about last night I'm sorry. I was drunk, you know?" He whispers.

"Actually, I don't care enough to know. You should get away from me. I don't want to talk to you. At all." I say harshly. "Marie-" He starts. "Do not call me that. Ever." I say as I look up at him. This time not breaking eye contact at all. He notices that I'm more than serious and he nods his head. "Alright. Sorry." He says softly before rising from his seat and walking away.

Because my middle name is La'Marie, Harry used to always call me 'Marie' as a nickname. He was the only one that ever called me that. He doesn't have that privilege anymore.

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