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As much as I wanted this day to be over, I still needed to go to work.

The last thing I wanted to do was see Harry but I knew that was just not going to happen.

The day went on with me and Harry exchanging distant looks as we worked. Seeing Harry move boxes and carts was honestly kind of amusing.

I've never seen him work a day in his life.

My shift was finally over and I went into the break room to gather my things.

"Reagan." Harry said as I walked out of the door. He jogged over to me and I sighed. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Did you get my text?" He asked.

"Oh. I didn't know that was you."

"Your friend gave me your number." I need to talk to you."

"Don't you always." I mumbled.

"I'm just trying to make this right." He said.

"There is no making this right Harry." I told him.

"Please just give me a chance. One chance so we can just talk and you can hear me out. If you still want out then I'll leave you alone. I promise." He said.

"Fine. Talk." I said coldly. "Not here."

"Where?" I asked.

"You'll see. I'll drive." He said before walking into the break room to grab his bag.

Harry's POV

"You ready?"

"Yeah." Reagan nodded. "So, where are we going." She asked as I got in. "It's a surprise." I told her. "I don't like surprises." She said softly. "Well, you'll like this one." I said as I looked over to her. She nodded and looked out of the window.

After about a thirty minute ride of listening to the old songs we used to listen to, we finally arrived to our destination. "No." She trailed off as she looked out of the window. I smiled and parked the car. "Come on." I said as I opened the door. "Harry." She smiled as she looked over to me. "I told you that you'd like it." I told her.

When we were in high school, her family went on a vacation here and they invited me. We were here for about two weeks, and one day Reagan and I decided to just walk off. We came across this lake that was just so perfect. Every since that day, we came back whenever we could. Sometimes we would swim and other times we would just talk and laugh with each other.

She told me that this was her favorite place to go, so I decided why not make that trip again.

"I haven't been here in years." She murmured as she looked up at me. "Me either. I wouldn't come without you. This was our place." I told her. "It was wasn't it?" She grinned as she looked out to the lake. The light from the moon helped us see the water clearly.

"Can we?" I started gesturing down to the grass asking for her to sit down.

"So, I know that you still probably hate me." I started. "Why did you bring me here?" She asked not making eye contact.

"Reagan I am so sorry."

"I don't know what I was thinking. I just thought- I don't know." I sighed. "But what I do know is that I miss you. More than anything." I told her. She looked up at me.

She's so beautiful.

"You want to know what else I know?" I asked.

"What?" She whispered. "I still love." I told her causing a smile to slowly form on her face.

Reagan's POV

I had to face the facts. I will never stop loving him and I will never get over the fact that he was my first love, but I'm just not ready to just forgive and forget everything that happened.

I know that I have to get over it one day but I just don't think now is that time.

I guess I'm just not ready.

I looked down and fiddled with my fingers not knowing exactly what to say.

"Do still have at least a little bit of love for me still?" He asked noticing my silence.

"Of course I do. And you bringing me here is really sweet and everything but I'm not just going to forget everything. I can't." I explained to him my voice straining more and more.

"I didn't bring you here to ask you to forget about what happened. Or even to forgive me. I just- I wanna talk. I see you in the halls and on campus everyday and all we do is exchange weird looks and keep walking. I hate that. That feeling is horrible and I miss how we used to be. Me and you against the world remember?" He explained.

I couldn't look at him. I kept my eyes down.

"Please Reagan. All I'm asking for is at least a friendship. Please." His voice became softer and softer.

I finally looked at him to see his eyes glistening. He's right. The thought of how we used to be compared to how we are now is horrible.

"Im not saying that we're just automatically cool." I told him. He nodded.

"I get it." Is all he said.

"One chance. One." I said softly.

"That's all I need." He smiled.

"We should go. It's getting colder." Harry said before she adding up. I stood up and followed him to his car.

I don't know how things will be between us from now on but I'm sure they will be better.

No matter how much I want to, I can't forget what happened. That was a huge turning point of everything, I can't just erase it from my memory. I still remember every detail from that night.




"R- Reagan. What are you doing here?" Cameron asked as he stood in front of the door. "I came to hang out with Harry. Is he here?" I asked as my eyebrow furrowed at how strange he was acting. He sighed before saying yes. "Okay. Well, I can come in right?" I asked.

"Y- yeah. Come on." He said as he finally stepped inside. "It's not nice to keep a girl outside." I joked. "S- sorry." He smiled weakly. I began to walk towards the stairs before Cam stopped me. "Do you want some water or something? We have beer." He said frantically. "No, I'm fine. Thanks." I said before turning around. He grabbed my arm and stood in front of me. "Reagan please don't go up there." He said lowly.

"Why not?" I asked confusingly as I looked up at him. He sighed but didn't answer.

"Excuse me, Cameron." I said as I walked past him. I walked up the stairs and continued towards Harry's room. As I came closer, I heard moans. I wasn't sure if it was coming from Harry's room or not so I held my ear up against his door to find out. When I heard Harry's name being moaned, my eyes began to water. I turned around quickly and ran down the stairs. As I got to the bottom I saw Cameron with his hands stuffed in his front pockets waiting.

He knew... And he tried to warn me.

"Ray." Cameron called out as I ran past him. When I got to my car, I cried even more.



I stared outside of the window thinking about how I went home that night and stayed up until five in the morning until I finally cried myself to sleep.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"Nothing." I shook my head.


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