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Six days later…

Spencer really didn’t know why he’d agreed to the new terms of the bet.

Well he did, he liked Y/N. A lot. They’d already established that during a drunken game of truth or dare. She was beautiful as well as funny and smart, and they’d become great friends even spending time together outside of work. He’d been surprised when Morgan had posed the question of “If you had to do one of us, which would it be and why?” and she’d looked directly at him and answered “Reid” earning a slight cheer from Morgan. When asked her reasons she’d gone on to smile at him, not seeming embarrassed at all stating that he was “Hot as well as a genius, and given how many books he’d read she was certain he’d know a thing or two about pleasing a woman.”

There was no way he could win now. She was so much more confident with her sexuality and he’d watched her on a number of occasions drive men wild from across the room just with subtle little looks and actions.

Like now for example. They’d not had much chance to socialise with each other this week due to their case load, but right now she was sat across from him on the BAU jet just casually reading Delta Of Venus by Anais Nin whilst sucking on a cherry flavoured lolly.

The rest of the team were asleep, the latest case had taken it out of them and Spencer had tried to nap but couldn’t. 

He was attempting to use this time productively so that he could get a head start on his paperwork, but every so often he could hear a soft popping sound coming from Y/N as she pulled the sucker out from between her lips before slowly pushing it back in again, her eyes focused on the page in front of her.

Evertime he heard that noise his eyes moved to her mouth automatically watching her plump lips gliding over the head of the sticky sweet, it gradually decreasing in size.

He shifted uncomfortably, his dick twitching slightly and his pants growing tighter. He was tremendously glad to be sat at the table now, sliding slightly lower in his seat to ensure that she couldn’t see what she was doing to him. Y/Ns pink tongue flicked between her lips, swiping over the circular candy as she turned the page of her book and Spencer had to cough in order to stifle the groan that was threatening to escape him. 

He wondered which part she was on, him having read the book when he was much younger. It was well known as one of the most erotic books of all time.

She finished the sucker, placing the stick and her book on the table face down. She shrugged out of her jacket and opened one of the buttons on her blouse, Spencer spying the tiniest hint of cleavage as she leant forward to grab her water bottle.

“Is it warm in here or is it me?” She stretches upwards to the air conditioning panel above their heads, her back arching and her breasts straining against her shirt as she fiddled with the settings.

She sat back down, picking her book back up and continuing to read. A few moments later Spencer heard a low breath coming from her, and glanced up to see Y/Ns face flushing the slightest hint of pink. She cocked her head to the side, moving her hair with her spare hand and exposing her long neck.

Placing the book down again, she stood up exiting her seat and making her way down the aisle to the bathroom. Making sure she’d gone in, Spencer leaned over and picked up the book, reading quickly to see where she was.

“When she closed her eyes she felt he had many hands, which touched her everywhere, and many mouths, which passed so swiftly over her, and with a wolflike sharpness, his teeth sank into her fleshiest parts. Naked now, he lay his full length over her. She enjoyed his weight on her, enjoyed being crushed under his body. She wanted him soldered to her, from mouth to feet. Shivers passed through her body.”

Oh dear lord. She was reading that, whilst sat across from him. Really?

He heard the door to the bathroom reopening and he placed the book back down quickly.

When Y/N returned, she flopped down next to Spencer rather than in her original seat.

“Mind if I use you as a pillow Spence. We’ve still got a two hours worth of flying time left and I can’t read that here anymore.” She rested her head on his shoulder before he’d even had chance to respond, and her eyes were closed in seconds.

Not being able to work with the weight of his colleague against him, he leaned back in his seat and closed his own eyes trying to relax.

Around an hour later, his eyes shot open. He hadn’t been asleep, just dozing, but Y/N had shifted in her sleep and her hand was now resting on his thigh. Her breathing was quiet but he’d noticed it was slightly heavier than before and he was sure he’d just heard a soft whimper coming from her.

He glanced round the plane quickly noting that the rest of the team were still asleep. Looking down, her could see Y/Ns eyes flickering quickly through her closed lids. She was dreaming.

Her lips were slightly parted and he definitely heard the next quiet moan that left her mouth. Fuuuck, what was she dreaming about? The hand that was on his thigh moved higher, dangerously close to his groin, Spencer jumping sharply at the movement.

His jump shook Y/N awake and she pulled away from his shoulder quickly, wiping her mouth with her hand and quickly smoothing her hair.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” Spencer whispered softly to her.

“No no, it’s fine. I’m glad you did wake me actually.”

“Erm….. What were you dreaming about?”

“Oh god.” She looked embarrassed. “Did I sleep talk again?"

"NO!” louder than he’d meant to.  "No, you didn’t I just wondered that was all.“ He fidgeted again.

"Good. That’s a relief.” She stood again moving back around to her original seat.

“So do you remember what you were dreaming of?”

Y/Ns eyes flashed quickly down to the book she’d been reading and then back up to Spencers face.

“I do but I’m not gonna tell you."

"Why not?"

She bit her lip coyly. "Because you might have been in it.”

“Really?” Spencer squeaked. “What was I doing?” He coughed, feeling his face flooding with heat.

Y/N grinned as she leant forward to pick her book back up. “Yep….and there’s no way I can tell you what you were doing to…….in it” She corrected herself going back to reading, leaving Spencer to his imagination.

You hadn’t been asleep. You’d barely been reading the book either. And you’d clocked every single one of his looks as you’d worked that lollypop with your mouth.

The look on his face when you’d removed your jacket and unbuttoned your shirt slightly was one of sheer wanting. And when you’d gone to the bathroom, you’d seen him grab your book to check what exactly you were reading.

You’d heard his breath catch as you’d lain with your head on his should, breathing out the occasional whimper to make him think you were having an erotic dream, and the way he’d jumped so quickly when you’d “accidentally” brushed you hand up his leg made you certain you’d succeeded.

Yes, this was round one to you. You were definitely going to have Spencer Reid begging for it. 

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