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Spencer watched Y/N walk away from him quickly, a light blush colouring her cheeks.

Somehow, he'd actually managed to get to her. And that made him feel awesome inside. Maybe he could win this?

He wasn't shy around women anymore, some of his closet friends were female. But when it came to flirting and coming on to someone, especially someone as attractive as Y/N, he was still a bit clueless. Normally he awaited for girls to approach him, which over the past few years had began to happen more often. He guessed the geek chic phase must still be in?

He was definitely starting to feel the pressure of this contest though. The lack of sex normally didn't bother him. He enjoyed sex but was happy to deal with his own needs when the urge arose. He had been certain he'd win the original contest when it was between the five of them, but now he definitely wasn't so sure. Although the prize at the end of this, if of course they both went through with it, was much better than just bragging rights and money. He just had to work out how to claim his prize.

Since that day on the plane he'd not been able to stop thinking about Y/N. Watching her mouth work that sucker had plagued his dreams for the past few nights. It didn't help that she'd definitely taken to wearing tighter shirts, with an additional button than normal undone. Evertime she leant over in front of him, he had to look away or else he convinced he'd end up drooling. God he wanted to kiss her there so much, maybe suck on one of her nipples. He needed to stop thinking about this. He was getting hard again.

Another email from Hotch dropped into his inbox, this one addressed only to him.

"You know that I cannot officially condone this behaviour, but providing it doesn't impact on your work, I don't have an issue. So DO NOT let it.

But I have to say Dr Reid, well done. I caught the look in Agent Y/Ns face after your reply to her, and I did not think you had that in you. Perhaps you will win after all.

But if I see either of you near that empty office, there'll be trouble. Understood? "

All of the team knew about the original bet, Hotch, Rossi and JJ not partaking. And since the rules had been revised, the team had been watching his and Y/Ns interactions more closely. Spencer also knew that they had their own bet going, everyone except Rossi agreeing that Y/N would be the one to break him.

He needed to up his game. But he wasn't sure how. It was alright making her feel things when he was hiding behind his computer screen, but he needed to do it face to face.

He'd have to work on that somehow.


You'd hidden out in Penelopes office the rest of the day, helping her go over and file some old video footage and coming up with your next plan of attack in between working. She'd had an awesome idea but you weren't sure you could go through with it yet.

The few times you'd ventured out of her office you'd found yourself watching Spencer. The way he absent mindedly fidgeted when he was working was so cute, tapping his pencil constantly on his desk, or adjusting his tie; loosening it and then pulling it taut again. Although the way he licked and bit his lips was started to drive you wild. It was the thing about him that had actually sparked your little crush on him. Oh, and his hair. He'd come in one day when it had been rainy outside and his hair was soaked. The way he'd shoved his hands into it, pushing it back off his face with a slight scowl had made you actually drop the folder you'd been carrying. No one had noticed though so it had been fine.

It was home time and you'd set foot in the elevator, the doors just started to close when you heard a shout. "Hold the doors."

Automatically you waved your arm between the doors to prevent them from closing, seeing it was Reid who'd shouted you as he hurried down the corridor, his hair flopping and his messenger bag bouncing against his side.

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