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You slept in the next morning waking up at around 11am, only to move to the bathroom to lounge around in the bath for another hour.

The whole team had stayed at headquarters until 2am at least, everyone wanting to finish off their case files so they didn’t have to go in this weekend. There was a certain buzz among everyone, it was the first time you’d all get to go the ball together. And you were especially excited to see Reid all dressed up. You might have a small ‘thing’ for guys in tuxes.

The girls were picking you up at 2pm and you were heading to the hotel together, so you started getting your weekend bag together, carefully collecting your dress bag when Penelope text you to say that she, JJ and Prentiss were on their way. You headed out side to wait for them all.

They pulled up seconds later and you climbed into the back seat carefully.

Twenty minutes into the drive, your phone buzzed, interrupting your chatter with the girls.

Spencer. “We’re already at the hotel. Our rooms are next to each other by the way.”

You replied.“Is that by coincidence or by the doing of a certain Dr I know.”

“I might have asked them to make some amendments to the bookings. It just makes it easier for when you’re texting me later, begging me to come and take you.”

You smirked at your phone. “You still think you can make me ask for it? Spence, you’ve already told me I’m getting it one way or another Sunday night anyway. I think I can wait until then.”

“And what if I’ve changed my mind?” He had to be shitting you right?

“What’s Emilys room number. I’ll visit her instead. I’ll fuck her mouth instead.”

“No fucking way Y/N. I’ve not changed my mind at all. The only mouth you’ll be fucking this weekend will be mine. Hopefully later this evening if I have my way, but if not then tomorrow will do and I’ll crown you Queen.”

“Tomorrow will be fine. This Queen needs her crown. And you can kneel before me as a loyal subject.”

“I’ll forever be loyal to you Y/N. And no matter what, you’re still my Queen.”

Awww. That was actually sweet. You smiled, putting your phone away and raising your head, seeing JJ and Penelope looking at you, Emilys eyes flicking to the rear view mirror.

“Are you two sexting again?” JJ grinned from her seat.

“Erm not really.”

“Thats a yes then.” Emily spoke.

“Y/N? What happens after you two actually do it. Because…. I’m not the only one here who can see that there’s something more going on am I? I mean I’m not even a profiler.” Garcia turned to you, the others nodding in agreement.

How much did you reveal here. When you hadn’t really revealed that much to Spencer.

Fuck it. You didn’t get chance for girl chat that often.

“Okay, so to begin with, it was just about sex. It’s no secret that Reid and I find way other attractive, that was established a while ago thanks to those tequila slammers you poured down our throats.” You glared at Penelope jokingly.

“But for me at least, there’s definitely more there. We’ve talked but only briefly. And we kinda had a date a few weeks ago. So we’ll see. I hope it goes somewhere else, but I’m a big girl and can cope if it doesn’t.”

The girls seemed satisfied with your answer, them giving the expected squeals and smiles at your admission of actually wanting more.

You arrived at the hotel thirty minutes later and checked in, texting Spencer that you were here.

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