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The game was suspended over the next five days due to the team being called away. Derek had made a comment about room sharing when it had come to evening as there weren't enough spare rooms at the hotel for them to each have one.

"I vote Reid and Y/N share. I'm sure I've got this week in the pool anyway."

Hotch had glared at him and you'd spoke before he had chance to.

"Not gonna happen Morgan. Play is suspended when we're out in the field. Let's try to be professional shall we?"

Hotch had nodded at you approvingly and in the end it had ended up being you and JJ sharing.

You'd been talking to her the last night you were there. The case had been solved but it was too late for you to fly home, so you were spending another night before taking off early the next day.

"So how's it going between you two? Because we're not actually seeing that much interaction between you so we can't tell who's got the upper hand. " She said into the darkness.

"Erm, honestly Jayge I'm not sure. Some days I think I'll get him to cave but others I think he'll make me cave." Some of the texts he'd been sending to you this evening were pure filth, all very much along the lines of the things he'd said to you in the email that Hotch had intercepted, and every so often he'd look you dead in the eyes and lick his lips slowly.

"Really? That's unexpected. Go Spence......Are you sure that this won't affect you working together though?"

"Erm I don't think so. It's just sex right? Why. Do you think it will be weird for Spencer?"

"I'm not sure. I was surprised that he wanted in on the whole thing to begin with because he's never really shown that side of him. But I guess if you're thinking of caving then you must definitely be seeing a different side to him."

You nodded although she couldn't see you, debating whether to share one of the messages with her.

"Jeez, you've got no idea. Do you wanna hear one of the texts he's sent me? You can't say anything to him though."

"God yes, I wanna hear what our boy wonders' been saying to you to make you consider throwing in the towel."

You pulled out your phone swiping until you found one, the light illuminating the room.

"I'd eat you out slowly, letting my tongue circle your clit until you were close to coming. Then I'd slide my throbbing dick into you, filling you completely and fucking you painstakingly slow until you beg me to go faster."

You smirked as you read his words, watching as JJ lifted herself onto her side to stare at you, her expression incredulous. You'd been pretty incredulous too when you'd read it yourself.

"No fucking way. Spencer.... Our Spencer, sent you that? When? Oh my god!"

"When we were all at dinner earlier." You'd all grabbed a bite to eat before heading back to the hotel to sleep.

"That's why you two kept getting your phones out. You were fucking sexting? Spencer doesn't sext!! What did you send back?"

You coughed, finding your own reply.

"Sweetie I've never begged a man, or woman for anything. They beg to be able to do those things to me. The only way you'd be eating me out is if you beg and plead with me to sit on your face. And Spence, I would grind all over that pretty mouth of yours. You just have to ask."

"Fuck me Y/N! Did he text back?"

You nodded. "All he replied was 'We'll see who's pleading to fuck who's mouth. You've seen how fast I can talk when I'm excited about something. You know how fast my tongue can move.'"

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