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The next eleven weeks were bliss. Spencer had never felt this happy before and prayed to whatever deities actually existed that it would continue.

Since the ball, him and Y/N had barely left each others sides outside of work. Their friendship had comfortably morphed into the relationship he'd hoped it would. As well as the mind blowing sex they had together, they'd also made they effort to actually leave their apartments to go on actual dates together.

When they went out together, he could feel the envy of every guy in the same room as them, all staring at him and Y/N more than likely wondering how the hell he'd managed to pull such a gorgeous creature.

But she looked at him like he was the only person in the world. One night they'd been stood at a bar together ordering drinks and another guy had come and stood next to her, trying to pick her up, oblivious to the fact that Reid was stood next to her actually holding her hand.

Cheesy pick up line after cheesy pick up line, each one worse than the next and Y/N was smiling politely, her attempts at letting him down easily not hitting home.

After a particularly crude line, she leant into the man and said loud enough so that Spencer could hear. "I'm sorry, but my boyfriend is the only one allowed to talk about doing those sorts of things to me."

"Boyfriend?"  He'd eyed Spencer up, confusion on his face. Y/N had nodded and then turn to Reid, pressing her lips to his and giving him an earth shattering kiss.

By the time they'd pulled apart, both slightly breathless, the guy had gone and the female bartenders were grinning at them both, nodding approvingly.

Life was good.

They were both seated at their desks, lost in a pile of case files when Hotch exited his office. He'd been away for three days, him and Emily lecturing at various colleges around the states.

"Agent Y/L/N, Dr Reid. Could I see you in my office for a second?"

Spencer looked up from his paperwork, eyes connecting with Y/N as they both stood and followed their supervisor into office.

"Take a seat." The Agent motioned to the seats in front of his desk.

Spencer shot a sideways glance at Y/N, her face colouring slightly as she glanced at the desk in front of them, obviously thinking back to what they'd been doing over it two nights ago.

They'd been in the office late, long after the others had left for the day and Spencer had dragged her into the empty office after she'd been teasing him all evening, making comments under her breath about what she wanted to do to him when they got home. Add that to the fact the she'd been on her period for the last few days prior so they hadn't really had the chance to be intimate with each other and he'd simply not been able to cope.

Thinking about the dream he'd had all those weeks ago, he'd yanked her into Hotches office, locked the door and taken her over the desk, making his dream a reality.

Technically they weren't on work time, as everyone else had finished for the day and they'd stayed behind wanting to get a head start on some filing that had built up.

They sat down across from Hotch and he looked at them with a stern look on his face.

"Dr Reid, do you remember a few years ago when I started to suspect that someone was coming into my office after hours in an attempt to discover incriminating evidence about my team?"

Spencer nodded.

"Well I took security measures into my own hands and had Garcia install a camera system that is triggered if someone enters this room and doesn't enter a specific code into my computer within a set amount of time."

Fuck. Shit. SHIT.

He could see Y/N eyes widen and her mouth forming an "o".

"I assume you both know where I'm going with this?"

Spencer nodding, not able to speak, his face pink with embrassment.

"I'm aware you two were here on your own time and not the bureaus so I won't discipline you. But it's suffice to say that you owe me a new desk. One is on order and I will be docking your wages for it. Understood."

Y/N nodded mumbling a "yes sir" quietly.

"You're lucky that the security system is my own personal one, and not one that links into the Bureaus camera system. The only person with access to it is Garcia. And I'm sure she'll be incredibly discreet. "

Spencer could detect a hint of amusement in his superiors voice.

"Sir, how much did you see?" Y/N asked nervously. Spencer had been wondering the same thing.

"Don't worry Agent, I've have no desire to see two members of my team going at it like college students over my desk. I turned it off once it was clear what was happening."

Spencer and Y/N let out a collective sigh of relief.

"But I did hear Morgan talking with Garcia earlier about how Dr Reid had given James Spader a run for his money, whatever that means."


"You're both free to go. You might want to steer clear of Penelopes 'bat cave'  for a while though. She promised she'd delete the footage, but she's been in there an awful long time and I can see the file still on the system."

His lips were turned up with the hint of a smirk as they exited his office, neither looking at the other.

Rossi passed them as they made their way back to their desks, both their faces scarlett.

"What was that all about?" He asked.

More or less in unison they both exclaimed "Nothing!"

Sitting back down at his desk, Spencer pulled out his phone seeing a text from Y/N land .

"Wanna see if we can get a copy before she deletes it?"

He replied instantly. "Great minds think alike."

A/NA/N: It's a big ask but if you're enjoying my content and you're financially able to then you may consider buying me a Ko-Fi as a way of financially supporting my writing. Many thanks to you if you do, it means so much to me that anyone might enjoy my work enough to donate to me

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