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(💘Loving him at 17💘)

"People fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe just the touch of a hand." - Ed Sheeran (Thinking out loud 🎶)


I looked up at Liz who was staring at me expectantly. "Excuse me?"

She rolled her eyes, "what did Mrs Greene want to see you for?"

"Oh that, Homework stuff, nothing important." I said while played with my apple.

"Ok what's wrong?" Jim asked with concern.


"Oh please, you only play with your food when you're thinking. ." Deb said snatching the apple from my hands.

"And we all know thinking is bad for you" Liz said as she ruffled my hair.

"Gasp! I'm insulted" I pouted. "Can't a girl just play with her food for no good reason?"

"No!" They all chorused.

I looked round the table and I knew they wouldn't let this go until I gave them an answer. I sighed in defeat.

"So I saw this guy. . ."

"Yay! Emma's getting a boyfriend!!" Deb squealed

I buried my face in my hands, "that's not what I said".

"Pipe down sunshine, not every girl is a serial dater like you" Liz groaned.

"Serial dater? That's not even a thing" she scowled a Liz.

"With you it is" she backfired cooly. Before we knew what was happening they were throwing insults at each other. Jim scooted over to and handed me his apple.

"So what about this boy?" he smiled.

I laughed, Liz and Deb were amazing friends but they usually went at it like this most of the time. About now I knew they'd lost track of what I was saying, but not Jim. He was the only one that always paid attention when someone had something important on their mind.

"Maybe later" I said taking a bite off the apple.

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I sighed as I tried once more to solve a math question. Ok I think I should be honest I don't have a dog, but then it was the first thing that popped into my head. What actually happened was that my 4 yr old brother had decicided to take up arts and craft with my homework. I know I shouldn't have found it that difficult doing it again considering I'd done it before but then I didn't like maths.

I looked round the library, it wasn't that occupied anymore. I couldn't go home because I knew I'd never get anything done and also mum was having some friends over.

All of a sudden it went dark, and I felt a pair of hands over my eyes. There was only one person who made it a habit to do that

"Jim it's getting old" I said pinching his hands. He released me and scowled. "You're no fun you know that"

I giggled. "What are you doing here?"

"Physics project" he shrugged. I was about to reply when I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

"Oh sorry dude" Jim laughed "but you dont want to know this one"

"Jim!" I punched him. There was a soft chuckle at my back, "I'll be the judge of that thanks"

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