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(💓Finding him at  20💓)

"All I want is to have him beside me, on the 25th by the fireplace, but I don't want no broken heart" - Ariana grande (Santa tell me 🎤)

Mom adjusted Bruce's sweater for what seemed like the hundredth time while I pressed the doorbell. I looked up at the building we were about to enter, this was supposed to be David's house? It was a fricking mansion!

"Mom, stop it", Bruce squirmed as the door swung open. A man in a well tailored suit asked for our names. After checking a list he nodded and collected our coats and let us in.

As we entered my dad let out a low whistle, the house was magnificent on the inside as well. There were two sets of stairs leading up with decorations everywhere with a chandelier hanging in the center of the room and a tall, elegant looking Christmas tree with lights.
The man that let us in, which I was starting to presume was the butler, directed us through the door on the right where we heard laughter and music.

When I entered I saw a table filled with goodies and a lady (probably the maid by her uniform) providing people with cups of steaming hot chocolate and coffee. I noticed Liz, Deb and Jim seating near the fireplace laughing and being silly while their parents sat in a corner with David's parents discussing parent stuff, whatever that is. There were little kids running around playing with toys which of course grabbed Bruce's attention instantly and he ran off to join them. I turned back to notice my parents too had left and I was standing at the entrance on my own just staring.

"Yo, Emma!", Jim called. I smiled and headed towards them and sat beside Deb.

"Hey", Liz grinned at me.

"So when were you guys going to tell me that David invited you here" I said coolly as I stared them down.

Liz gulped, Deb scratched her neck and Jim whistled.

"Answers people" I said as I looked at each of them.

"We were. . .",Deb started

"Yeah we wanted to. . .",Jim stuttered

"He wanted to invite you himself", Liz blurted. They all said at the same time.

"Hmm" I looked at each of them, they looked so guilty I couldn't help myself and I started laughing, "guys its cool"

Deb sighed in relief, "Well now that's over tell us about your day with Mr Nolan" she teased.

"Oh my, I'm thirsty! Is that hot chocolate, I'll be right back", I said quickly and got up before they could ask me anything else.

I headed to the table with the hot chocolate, but I knew Deb was staring daggers into my back. I surveyed the table and helped myself to a sandwich before picking up a cup of hot chocolate.

"You came", said an all too familiar voice behind me.

"David" I turned and smiled at him, "Hi"

"Hey, having fun?" He smiled as he helped himself to a cup of hot chocolate.

I nodded, "Your place is amazing" I said as I looked around again.

"Its my parent's but thanks",he laughed.

"Ooooh, you got to kiss her"

What?!  I looked and saw a (probably 14 yr old) girl smiling at us.

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