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(💓Finding him at 20💓)

"You light me up inside like the 4th of July, whenever you're around I always seem to smile and people ask me how well you're the reason why I'm dancing in the mirror, singing in the shower" - Becky g (Shower 🎤)

"Say what?" Deb asked in shock.

"David Nolan, as in our David Nolan? From highschool?" Liz questioned.

"Awesome" Jim mumbled as he stuffed his face with cupcakes. They all stared at me expecting answers.

"I'm going to get a snack" I rose heading to the fridge.

"Where are you going? This is big!" Deb chased after me demanding details. Liz followed but Jim just leaned over the couch.

"Come on Emma" Jim whined. I looked at their expectant faces and sighed.

"So you know how Mrs Walters told us but that niece of hers?"

"Yeah" Liz shrugged

"Well she came by today. . ."

"Woah, is she hot?" Jim asked earning him a glare from Deb, "not that I care babe" he smiled at Deb signalling at me to continue.

"She came by with her boyfriend" I said as opened a can of soda and downed it.

"Ok so?" Deb asked. Liz slapped her head, "David was the boyfriend stupid"

"Oh" she looked at me with sympathy.

"I'm sure she's not even pretty" Jim said as he wolfed down another cupcake.

"She is" I said in defeat "they've been dating for two years now"

"Damn!" Deb said as she came over and squeezed my hand. I smiled at her as though to convince her I was fine.

"Well he left me his number. He wants to hangout with us tonight"

Deb's eyes lit up "He did!"

"Yeah, well he left his book behind to ensure I'll actually call" I chuckled.

Deb started squealing and jumping around. Liz and I shared confused looks.

"You are going to call right?" she asked with glee, which was really creepy.

"I don't know" I shrugged. "I've got to shower" and with that I left a disappointed Deb, a confused Liz and well Jim, he was just mad his cupcakes had finished.

"Yeah, so we'll see you there by 7" I heard Deb's voice as I headed to the living room. "Bye David!"

I froze. What was she doing!

"This will not end well" I heard Liz say.

"It was nice knowing you babe!" which was obviously Jim. But he was so right, Deb was dead!

"WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled as I stormed in. Deb wasn't even scared she just smiled at me. She had finally lost it!

I chased her around the living room but she just kept laughing. I think we might have gone on forever if Jim hadn't pulled me away.

"Calm down" he said as he sat me down while Deb leaned on the wall panting.

"There's has to be a reasonable explanation for this" Liz said trying to calm me down.

"Oh please, let me hear it" I said scowling at Deb.

"Actually there isn't" Deb shrugged.

"See!" I screamed getting up to chase her again but Jim held me back. He was annoyingly strong.

"I just called him up because its about time don't you think?" she said as she sat in the floor.

"About time for what?" Now I was genuinely confused.

"You guys talk so you can move on" she smiled at me.

"I have moved on" I muttered causing them all to look at me. "I haven't thought about him since high school" I argued, causing them to stare at me again.

I sighed. I hated it when she was right.

"You said 7 right?" I said defeated. They all smiled.

I was going to regret this.

💓.         💓.         💓.         💓.         💓.         💓. 

As I watched them exchange hugs and laugh I suddenly felt a bit selfish. I had just been thinking of myself, forgetting they were also friends with him.

"Earth to Emma!" Jim teased bringing me back to reality.

"Oh yeah sorry!" I fished around in bag and finally brought out David's book "Here" I said handing it to him.

"I think she zoned out on us" Liz smirked. I dropped the book on the table, they must have asked me something what was it? I racked my brain for a while but got nothing.

"What?" I asked.

David shook his head and laughed, "I asked of you were ok with Deb ordering for us?"

"Wait what? No!" Deb usually over-ordered or under-ordered.

"Too late!" Deb smirked. "Next time pay attention"
I pouted causing them to laugh. Surprisingly when the meal came it was just right, not too much or too little! I was impressed.

The rest of the night went by quite smoothly. We talked about high school memories and college. I spoke with David quite fluently without stuttering or zoning out, so that was good too!

After dinner, David chose to walk us back home since we lived close by. Jim, Liz and Deb walked ahead leaving us behind. Such an annoying pair.

We walked in silence for a while but I didn't mind; it was comfortable.

"So how did you meet Kathryn with a k and y" I blurted making air quotes when I said k and y. I had disrupted the silence but I just needed to know.

David stared at me on surprise and smiled,"You really want to know"

I nodded, I mean she wasn't the kind of girl I'd expected to see him with but then again I didn't know his type.

"My parents" he said as he looked ahead.

"What?" I gaped. He turned and laughed at my expression.

"A business partner's daughter" he shrugged.

"I thought arranged relationships were extinct?" I chuckled softly.

"I wish" he chuckled and a look crossed his face but it went as quickly as it came.

"David. . ."

"I heard you guys are going home on Thursday" he said changing the topic.

"Yeah, we are" I replied.

"Kathryn and I are leaving tomorrow so I'll probably see you then" he smiled.

I nodded wondering why we had stopped. "Nice place"
Right I was home.

I got his book out of my bag as he stopped a cab. "Here" I said as I handed it to him.

"Nah, hold on to it. In case I need to black mail you again" he winked.

I felt heat rushing to my cheeks. "S - sure" I stuttered.

He laughed as he tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear and rested his hand on my cheek, "I'll see you around Reeds"

I swallowed and just nodded as I watched as he entered a cab and waved. As I watched him drive away I raised my hand to my cheek were his hand was, I could still feel the warmth of his hand. I sighed and smiled.

"What do you do to me David Nolan" I whispered.

Then I remembered the look that crossed his face earlier, I still couldn't place it. It made me wonder.

But one thing was sure after tonight. I was not even close to being over David Nolan.

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