Chapter 07

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Robyn Fenty

"I don't mean to bother you," Chris poked at his pancakes and looked me in the eyes. "but why not? Why won't you tell the police that you got raped?"
  "I just can't!"
"Why not?! There has to be some kind of answer that you can give me Robyn!"
I sighed shakily, trying so hard not to cry. I didn't trust him, I didn't trust him enough to tell him that I had killed someone. Nor did I trust him enough to tell him my story. So my answer was "I can't" I can't have any contact with any law at anytime.

I have no one that I can trust with that information. 

"Rob," His voice cracked, "Someone hurt you.. And you came to me about it."
"Maybe I shouldn't have." I spat coldly.
   "Come on, don't be like that.."

I froze.


"Jerome," I cried, "please stop. I won't be a bad girl anymore. I promise."
He stroked my hair and whispered in my ear, "You'd only be pretending."

After he hurt me I ignored him, I made him his dinner and I washed his clothes. I turned to his favorite movie and made sure that the remote was in arm reach.

As I went upstairs to my room he grabbed my arm and pulled me close before I could walk inside and slam the door.
"You mad at me?" He frowns. 
   I sighed, not answering him.
"Come on baby, don't be like that."


I couldn't help myself, I broke down in tears. Chris got up and pulled me close.

"No!" I sobbed, pushing him off of me, he pulled me closer.

"Shh, shh." He cooed, trying to calm me down. He pulled me closer and held me with force, rocking me back and forth.

I cried harder and harder into his chest, drenching his t-shirt with tears. As much as I thought I was, I wasn't safe. No matter what I tried to do, I would always be in a danger zone.

Christopher Brown

After she had finished crying, she had fell asleep in my arms. I carried her to the couch and tried to calm myself down by watching TV, and going on social media. Nothing helped.

I was way too worried about her, I wanted to know what was wrong and I was anxious for her to wake up.

What did I say that made her break down into tears?

I hated myself for making her cry so hard and for so long. 

And then again I didn't even know if it was my fault.

I had so many questions and no way to know if she was going to answer them or not.

"Mm," she moaned tiredly and pulled on my T-shirt, sitting up. She sniffled and ran a hand through her hair.

I didn't say anything, I just stared at her.

When her eyes met mine, she frowned a little. "I guess you want answers..."
I nodded.

She opened her mouth to say something but didn't, she sat up and got off the couch. I watched her walk around the living room looking for something. When she found what she was looking for, which was her shoes and bag, she looked at me and smiled almost apologetically.

Then she bolted out of my door.

I'm so fucking slow.

Of course she would leave.

Robyn Fenty

I couldn't trust him. I already knew that.

I ran down the steps, having no time for an elevator. I kept running until I was far away from the building.

I took my phone out of my bag and called for an Uber.

Your uber will be there in 2 minutes.

I sighed, catching my breath.

I couldn't afford for anyone to know my story, at all. This was America, you can't trust anyone. People would turn you in for a fucking meal if they were hungry.

I don't give a shit if it was your best friend or your soul mate.

When it's beneficial for them? They don't care about you.

That's why I couldn't trust Chris, because they could easily snatch something that he cared about most from him if he protected me. And I wouldn't dare put him through that drama.

I haven't known him for long, but I cared about him deeply. I wouldn't have him risk his career, and his happy life for me. The 21 year old murderer.

The uber arrived interrupting my thoughts, I got in, sliding on my heels. I sat back, taking the water and gum that he offered me.

My phone started ringing, and I sighed heavily as Chris' name flashed across the screen.

I pressed ignore and it started ringing again in a nano second.

I hesitantly declined the call and turned my phone off.

The Runaway|| A Chrianna Fan Fiction. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz