Chapter 1

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((Originally published September 9th- Edited June 30th))

For once, all of the nations were on time to this world meeting. However things were painfully different. The tension in the air was so thick, one could cut it with a knife. Sadness hung in the atmosphere, strangling everyone. Solemn expressions were glued to every country's face.

Everyone sat down silently and after a few moments the soundless room was filled with one shaky voice, "Hello, I'm sure you all know why we are here," Britain choked out, "and if you don't I will explain... You see, for those who don't pay attention," he glanced at America, "you might not have noticed that there is another world war..." he paused, taking a shaky breath, uncertainty lacing his words, "And we need someone to fight. However we are only picking one person. If all of us were to go and die in battle the world would be changed or even lost forever... You see, some people don't believe there should be country personifications. And so war has begun between our loyalists and enemies. Therefore we shall send aid to them."

"So," America stated, "we have gotten straws and cut one of them shorter than the others. I'm sure you all know how to pick straws right?"

A series of nods moved threw the room.

Italy latched onto Germany's arm, sobbing quietly, "ve, I d-don't want you to-a get picked Germany..." He hugged him tighter and Germany rested a gentle, reassuring hand on the Italian's shoulder.

Japan didn't say anything as usual, he was a quiet one. However if you looked closely, you can see that he had been crying only moments ago.

China's food no longer had great taste. It was now dry and bland. His eyes were also cold with no signs of happiness or life. Heck, everyone's were.

Nobody looked like they had smiled in a very long time. Britain drew first. He grabbed a straw gingerly before sighing in relief. America continued also sighing in relief. One by one people selected straws and finally Italy drew the last one with great reluctance.

Then the room fell silent and the atmosphere seemed to get thicker with the opening of the Italians hand. In the center of his palm lay the solitary short straw.

Quietly Italy dropped the straw and fell to his knees. Silence enveloped the room and seemed to drag on for eternity. Italy remained there for a few moments, shaking as the numbness of the realization washed over him, sending chills down his spine.

However the quiet atmosphere was soon broken by Germany, who stormed out of the room. The door slammed and the loud noise rang through the room, only to be followed by the bitter silence.

Still, no one spoke. Only the small sobs coming from Feliciano (Italy) were heard but barely audible. Slowly he rose from his knees and left.

Again, nobody protested... Sluggishly, they started to file out of the room with solemn expressions. Some cried. Some said nothing. However all were depressed, with a less than vague sense of relief about not being drawn.

Now they all had to live with the crushing guilt of knowing, that poor, naïve, innocent Italy had been chosen to be sent off to war. This was a tragedy...




Italy followed Germany to a small wooded area, trailing behind him unnoticed. However his jaw practically dropped to the ground when he saw Ludwing(Germany) sit down and draw his knees close. His head fell to his knees and he sat there. He just sat there... For once it seemed like the German had absolutely no idea what to do.

For a long time he sat in silence, his body shaking ever so slightly and if you listened closely you could pick up the almost inaudible sounds of sobs. Ludwing wept alone... Italy was shocked, though he himself had cried, he had never seen the German shed a single tear. His normally stoic and calm persona seemed to have vanished long ago.

Before Italy even realized what he was doing, his legs had already carried him to Germany, whom hadn't noticed his presence yet. Italy placed a gentle hand on the German's shoulder before calling out softly, "Vee, Germany? Are you-a crying?" He asked inoccently, "Don't-a be sad Germany..."

Germany looked up with a tear-filled gaze before wiping his eyes quickly, "nein, I'm not crying..."

Suddenly Italy wrapped Germany in a warm embrace. The Italian buried his face in the German's chest and wept in despair.

After about an hour or two, Italy had drifted off into sleep. Despite the crushing guilt Germany had felt, he smiled a little at the sight of Italy in peace. Ludwing(Germany) picked up the small, naïve Italian with ease and carried him home.

Germany would've set Italy in Italy's room, but he knew he would only wake up to the Italin in bed with him. So Ludwing decided to set Italy in his own bed.

Germany watched his sleeping figure and more guilt washed over him as if he were standing in an ocean of despair and couldn't swim up. He felt as if he were drowning but also numb. The Italian can't wave a little white flag this time. He couldn't give up and run to Germany. However he might not have to fight at all, Germany had a plan.

Suddenly a knock on the door rang through the suffocating atmosphere and Germany was jerked away from his thoughts and was pulled into crushing reality once again.

Who could be at the door? Germany didn't know. However before getting they door, Germany kissed Italy's forehead softly. Then he walked out briskly with a light pink dusting his cheeks. After that, he answered to door.

"Oh, Hallo Japan."

"Konnichiwa Germany-San." Japan started, "I was just stopping by to make sure you and Itary-San were okay."

Germany nodded, "Ja, we are fine. Would you like to come inside for some tea?"

"Hai, Arigato." (Yes thanks) Japan said.

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