Chapter 2

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Germany and Japan talked for a long while. Until the sun was but a memory and the moon took its place. They conversed about the topic that played on everyone's mind, Italy.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Japan inquired in hopes of finding a solution.

"Nein... But I think I have a plan."

The Japanese man's eyes widened once he understood the German's plans, "You're not going to-?!"

Germany nodded. It's my oy unly choice.

(he~He~ you thought I'd tell you Germany's plan!)


The petite Italian awoke to the sound of hushed whispers in an uneasy tone. He listened a moment and it became apparent that it wasn't something he was supposed to hear.

"No, it should be me!" Came a persistent and serious whisper.

"Nein. I just need you to promise to pro-" Germany was cut off by Italy.

"Vee~ Germany? What are you and-a Japan talking about?"

"Nothing." They both said a little too quickly.

Italy's eyes lingered on them for a moment before he turned his gaze elsewhere.

"Veee~ let's have-a pasta Germany." Italy said with less happiness than usual.

The German sighed, and wondered how tough this must be on the innocent boy, "Ja. Go ahead."


As time went on, it seemed as though Germany grew tougher on the Italian. Currently, Germany, Japan, and Italy were all doing their training.

Germany was keeping time as Japan and Italy ran what seemed to be endless laps. Although Italy was actually not doing too bad. He was still falling slightly behind Japan, though, he was keeping pace.

"Italy! Pick up the pace!" Germany hollered.

"But I'm tiirreed~ can't we stop for a break?" Cried the short nation.


Soon after they finished, Japan went home and Italy trotted up to Germany.

"Ve~ hello Germany!!" He said before his voice grew a little quieter, "I heard that I'll be leaving in four weeks- so... Can I sleep with you tonight?"


Italy ran up and hugged Germany, taking the German much by surprise.

And so they set out home with aching hearts, simply wanting to enjoy their last moments together, although they were brief.


As time went by, it seemed as though Germany kept growing harder and harder on poor Italy, he began to keep Italy training later and later. Some training sessions lasted all the way into the night. Italy began to grow impatient...

"Ve~ Germany! Please let me stop!! I'm tired!"

"Nein!" Germany denied.

For once Italy grew irritated, "Why?! All it is- is work work work! I'm tired of it!" Italy pouted.

The German snapped, "Are you an idiot?! When will you learn I'm not gonna be here to protect you all the time! You have to learn stuff whether you like it or not!!"

A look of dejection spread across the Italian's features and his head fell as his body shook with small sobs.

Meanwhile, the duo was completely oblivious to the few nations watching from the sidelines...

"Wow, that's harsh," America commented.

"No kidding," Britain agreed, "Although I assume it's all an act of tough love. He doesn't want Italy to be completely annihilated in war."

"Maybe," America agreed.

"I berieve both of you are wrong..." Japan intervened, "that's not what Germany-San is pranning."

"Oh yeah? Than what is he planning?" America inquired.

Japan motioned for them to come closer and whispered the plan to the other two nations. A series of gasps escaped them.

"Woah! Dude! I did not see that coming!" America exclaimed

"Nor did I, is that even allowed?" Questioned the Brit.

"I don't know," Japan replied, "but I don't berieve that wirr stop Germany-san from doing so."

Back with Germany and Italy

A look of dejection spread across the Italian's features and his head fell as his body shook with small sobs. A few stray tears cascaded down his cheeks before the Italian could whips them away. Germany regretted his actions immediately.

"Italy, I-" Germany was cut off by Italy.

"I'm sorry..." his bangs fell over his eyes and sadness clung in the atmosphere once again, "I'll just go."

And with that the Italian took off with incredible speed, faster than Germany had ever seen. So fast, that the German himself couldn't catch up.

"Italy..." Germany murmured to himself, "I'm sorry..."

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