Chapter 4 (another short chapter, sorry)

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Italy awoke, in a dazed, groggy stupor. He sat up in confusion until the thoughts and memories flooded back, so fast, he could practically get whiplash. His eyes watered as a small cry escaped his lips.

"Itary-San! You're awake!" Japan sighed in relief, "I shourd carr Germany-San."

"No!" Italy cried.

"I don't want to pry, but why?" Japan inquired.

"I just don't want to see him right now..." Italy murmured, whiping a stray tear.

Japan just nodded in understanding and then offered to let Italy stay the night, which Italy took up this offer great fully.

Suddenly Japan's phone rang. Pulling it out of his pocket, he checked the caller ID, it was Germany.

Japan answered the call saying, "Herro Germany-San."

Italy looked panicked as he heard who was calling.

"Have I seen Itary?" Japan glanced over at Italy, who frantically shook his head 'no."

"No, I can't say that I have, Germany-San."

"Okay, bye Germany-San."

"Prease Itary-San... terr me why you don't want to go home?"


"Oh, I see..."

Italy nodded at Japan's response before falling back onto the couch, tiredly, "Hey Japan?"

"Hai?" (Yes?) Japan replied.

"How much longer.. do I have left? Before I go off to war..."

Japan shifted awkwardly, "Four weeks."

"Four..." Italy mumbled, "four..."

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