Chapter 5

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About two weeks had gone by and Italy grew intensely homesick, he hadn't spoken to Germany in that time and he still couldn't quite grasp what the German had told him. The realization was even worse.. Germany wouldn't always be there to protect him... It would be all up to him. He'd have to make it on his own.

That was when Italy began to train, harder than ever, he needed to prove to everyone that he could handle himself out there.. More importantly, he wanted to prove it to himself.

Currently, the Italian was doing sets of pull-ups on a tree near Japan's house and had grown considerably stronger, now able to beat Japan in an arm wrestle.

Italy's arms wavered, and shook as he continued his pull-ups, every time his strength dissipated, he's simply remember the blue-eyed German and his strength would return. Heaving a sigh he continued, oblivious to the pair of Japanese eyes that observed from a distance.

Time passed until the moon rose and the sun was but a memory. And Italy decided he would do what he'd been doing for the past nights. Sneak out.

He stood from his spot and began his trek to Germany's house. Upon his arrival, he crept out towards the glass window to see the sleeping figure of his German friend-sorta. Every night he would make sure Germany was doing well, and that he was asleep before the Italian would proceed inside.

Italy snuck inside making sure to close the door behind him. It was at this time that he'd sneak into Germany's room and make sure Germany was doing well.

A smile danced upon Italy's lips as he watched the slow rise and fall of the sleeping figure's chest.

Italy wanted to make up with Germany, but he was always too scared. He didn't want to face him, but with the time dwindling short, he had no choice but to do so. And yet, he couldn't ring himself to do so. Italy would've stayed lost in thought, staring at his beloved German friend, had it not been for the stirring of the sheets that broke the silence. Before Italy could even realize what was happening, his gaze met with the crystal blue gaze of Germany.

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