4. Road Trip!

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"Ugh," I groaned, snoozing my alarm. It was currently 7:30 in the morning, and the boys had to go to the recording studio to record a new song.

I got up, took a shower and got into some clean pajamas Today was a lazy day.

I walked downstairs for a bottle of water when I saw a note on the counter from the boys.

We should be home around 7 tonight, there's some pizza in the fridge you can heat up and we want at least one piece of pizza gone by the time we get back. No parties, no going out, and don't answer the door to strangers.
Cya at 7, TØP. P.S. Tomorrow we have to go on tour and your coming with us, so pack some clothes for a long time."

I laughed a little at the note. "No parties." As if I have that many friends. Or, friends at all.

I have to eat a whole slice of pizza. Great. I checked the fridge, looking at what kind of pizza it is.

Pepperoni or Canadian Bacon w/ pineapples. I'll have the latter.

I decided not even to heat it up, so I just grabbed it and went into the living room.

I sat down and took a small bite, and almost gagged.

"This tastes awful. This ham doesn't taste real!" I exclaimed, then got an idea.

I went into the kitchen and heated it up, then cut it up into small pieces, and threw them into the garbage disposal a few at a time.

"Ha," I mumbled, proud of myself. "Looks like I won't be eating a lot today," I smirked.

I walked into the living room with my phone and turned on the TV, snuggled up in a fuzzy blanket and put on a movie.

Then I just did things on my phone like scrolled through social media, watched some youtube, and listened to some music.

My favorite song came on, so I muted the TV for this song.

I started singing along to Heathens by TØP, and thought about the music video. I can't wait to see that movie, it's gonna be so good! But I'm getting off track.

After that song, I watched about three movies including Frozen, Sleeping Beauty, and Beauty & The Beast. Don't judge me; Disney movies are the best.

After Beauty and The Beast I went to my room and relaxed on my couch. I didn't really know what to do now, so I just decided to pack and then go to bed early.

I checked the clock and it read 7:14, so the guys should be back anytime soon.

I started packing lots of outfits, shoes, makeup, hair things, accessories, and decided to wear my favorite beanie in the morning.

I brushed my teeth and plugged in my phone, turned on the TV and and hopped into bed.

"Cause' somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence," I sang along to myself.

Josh and I were going home from recording a new song, and we got some Taco Bell on the way back.


We walked through the front door, seeing everything dark.

"Lillie?" I called out as Josh turned on the lights.

"Maybe she's in her room?" Josh suggested, and I nodded.

"Yeah," I replied as we walked up the stairs.

I knocked on her door, then opened it gently.

"Lillie?" I whispered. I saw her in her bed, sleeping. I went over to her bed and kissed her forehead, whispering a goodnight before walking out.

I told Josh where she was, then said goodnight to him and went to bed myself.

I can't remember if we told Lillie about the tour or not, but either way we aren't flying, we're taking a tour bus. Road trips mean family bonding time, right?


3:30 in the morning

My alarm was going off, louder than it should have.

I got up and got dressed, throwing a few extra things in my suitcase. I went to wake Lillie, until I saw her already up and around.

"Hey Lillie," I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"Good morning," She responded, yawning.

"Got everything packed?" I asked and she nodded.

She was wearing a beanie, black leggings, black vans with black socks, a baggy, dark grey t-shirt, and a dark grey unzipped hoodie.

"Nice outfit," I told her.

She rolled her eyes. "Thanks. I wasn't going for something very cute, considering it's only 3:30 on the morning."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you have a point. Hey, Josh is waiting for us in the tour bus. Let's go," I told her and she nodded.

We walked outside, and got into the tour bus.

We immediately went to our bunks and set up our beds so we can go back to sleep.

Josh chose a bottom bunk, and I got the one above him. Lillie could choose either top or bottom bunk, and she chose the top one.

I laid out my blankets and pillows, and everyone else did theirs. Then, we all climbed in our beds and went back to sleep.

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