20. New Kid

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"Lilli," Chase said to me. We were currently in Hawaii, and the sun was setting as we walked on the beach. I stared deeply into his eyes as he said my name.

"Yes, Chase?" I asked.

"Lillie?" I looked at him, confused.


"Lillie!" Josh's yells awoke me from my dream.

"What!" I yelled back.

"We get to see the new baby today, come on!" Once those words came out of Josh's mouth, I shot out of bed and started getting ready.

I threw on black ripped jeans, a striped tee shirt, and a beanie, then my Converse. I checked the weather and saw it was kind of cold so I slipped into a dark denim jacket and added a necklace to top the outfit off.

Then, I went downstairs for a quick breakfast and brushed my teeth afterwards. Then, Josh and I were off to the hospital.


We crept into her hospital room so we didnt wake her or the baby but when we walked in the kid was gone.

"Um, Jenna, I think your baby disappeared," I said quietly. She let out a small laugh, obviously tired.

"They took her to the nursery so she can sleep with the other babies," I made an "o" face. I didn't even think of that, I'm so stupid.

"What did you name her?" Josh asked.

"Ruby," Tyler said as him and Jenna smiled at each other.

"Aw, that's so cute," I started tearing up when Joshed hugged me. I was about to say something else when a nurse walked in with Ruby.

"Here she is. Careful though, she's sleeping," the nurse said and handed her to Jenna. All of us stared at her in awe; she was so cute!

I took a step back because I swore there was a chair behind me, but alas there was not. Instead there was a tray of random equipment which fell to the floor, making a bunch of noise.

Ruby started crying and Jenna began to comfort her.

"Lillie! You need to be careful!" Josh scolded.

"I-I'm sorry I thought there was a chair right there!" I whispered, already tearing up from th4 anxiety.

"Now you woke Ruby up and she's crying, really?" I kept apologizing but Josh was making it into such a big deal.

"Hey, Josh it's fine. Ruby was going to wake up sooner or later," Tyler said, trying to calm him down.

"Oh I guess. We should get going, Lillie has to get to school during lunch. She has a test," Josh says then turns to me. "Go wait out in the car, I'll be there in a few minutes."

With that he turns and starts talking to the baby.  I look at Tyler for help but he just shrugs and gives me a sympathetic smile. I send him a small one back and wave to Jenna, who waves back.

With tears slowly falling, I speed walk outside and stand in front of doors for a second, trying to figure out where we parked. Once I thought I saw our vehicle, I started walking towards it. I stood by the passenger side door and realized it was locked.

"Ah shoot!" I exclaimed. "Now I have to wait for Josh."

"Well, well, well. What's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?" A voice said by the car behind me.  I jumped up and twirled around, not getting to see who it was because I felt something go over my head. I screamed and the person clamped a hand over my mouth.

I felt myself being lifted up, and I kept trying to scream, but nothing was happening. Then, I felt myself being thrown into something hard and a door being slammed.

My phone! I took the thing off my head and realized I was in a trunk. I fished around my pocket for my phone, but there was nothing in there. I felt around me and felt something, so I grabbed it. It was my phone!

I opened it and called the first person in my contacts: Chase.

Ring, ring
Ring, ring

It kept ringing but he never answered. Okay, next person: Emma. I hesitated before pressing call, but did it anyways. Same thing: no answer.

What could they be doing? They must be doing something as a family.. yes, Emma and Chase were siblings.

I was about to call Josh, but I had no service.

I started crying, but then I felt the car stop and heard the engine turn off. I shoved my phone in my pocket, then I heard footsteps and closed my eyes.

The trunk opened, and I felt myself being carried again, but I kept my eyes closed until a door slammed shut.

"Welcome to your new home, sweetheart."

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