10. Meeting The Wife

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I was dressed in a very special outfit today for a very special occasion. The boys were coming home and were bringing Tyler's wife along! I don't know why she wasn't here already, but who cares!

I'm wearing the outfit that I wore the day the boys adopted me, and it has become my favorite outfit.

"They called, they'll be here any minute!" Debby called.

"K!" I called back. I was so excited that I didn't have to be alone with Debby anymore. No offense to her, but she really gets on my nerve.

"We're home!" I heard Tyler shout. I ran downstairs and gave Josh a huge hug.

"Where's my hug?" Tyler said, pouting. I gave him a huge hug next, then let go.

"So, where's Jenna?" I asked anxiously.

"She's coming.... why are you wearing a nose ring?" Josh asked me, looking at the ring.

"I've always had it! I just haven't worn it in a while," I lied. Tyler and Josh looked at each other before shrugging.

"Here I am!" I heard a feminine voice yell from the doorway.

"Jenna!" Tyler said hugging her.

"Hey.... you must be Lillie," Jenna said as if she was talking to a 10 year old.

"Yes and I'm not 10," I stated. She laughed and Tyler looked nervous. I tilted my head like a confused dog looking at Tyler.

"Tyler what's wrong?" Jenna asked him. He shook his head and pulled her out of the room, probably giving her a tour.

"So, how was a month alone with each other? Did you two bond at all?" Josh asked excitedly. Debby and I looked at each other, me kind of glaring at her while she looked at me, biting her lip, and having a "Not really" look on her face.

"Well.." She started.

"So that's a no?" He asked us. I started to nod but Debby grabbed my wrist and pulled it into the air as if we were holding hands.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, pulling my wrist down. She looked at me confused while Josh looked at me worriedly.

"I'm sorry! Was my grip too tight?" Debby asked apologetically.

"A little bit!" I said, a bit if pain and annoyance in my voice. She nodded her head, but looked at Josh like she didn't believe me.

"So, how did everything go, besides the bonding thing?" Josh asked, sitting us on the couch.

"Good. Except I learned a few things that you didn't tell me," Debby said, glaring at him while he fidgeted in his seat.

"W-what did you learn?" He asked nervously.

"Not much. But why didn't you tell me she was a-n-o-r....exic?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because I wanted Lillie to tell you," He said looking at me.

"Well I found out in my own. But she never told me why," Debby stated.

"Lillie?" Josh asked, looking at me as if saying "Tell her the story", which I shook my head at.

"Look, she doesn't have to tell me why. Now let's get onto a happy subject," Debby said, trying to change the subject, which I was thankful for. I suddenly get a text from someone, happy that it was Emma.

The Coolest 😎: Hey! Wanna hang out?

Da Best😜: Can't. Boys came home. Just met Tyler's wife 😒

The Coolest 😎: Bruh that sucks. I heard Jenna is cool towards Tyler and Josh, but when it comes to other girls in Tyler's life, she tries to make them MISERABLE

Da Best😜: I doubt she will. Besides, u know that if she even tries something on me I will make HER life hell.

The Coolest 😎: Tru. Well I gotta go, talk to you later

Da Best😜: okay

I put my phone down wondering if what Emma said was true, or if she was just messing with me. I don't really care if she hates me, just as long as she doesn't try to be "buddies" with me, I'm good.

I turned on my TV and turned on Netflix then put Family Guy on because that show is the best, and watched a few episodes of it until a thing popped up saying "Are you still watching Family Guy?"

"Of course I'm still watching Family Guy! Do you think I have a life?" I yelled at the TV.

"Knock knock," Jenna said from the doorway, slowly entering the room.

"Nobody's home," I said, not even looking away from the screen.

"Whatever," she says, chuckling. "Not even a hi?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well I'm watching Family Guy." I stated, gesturing to the screen.

"Well, what do you have planned tomorrow?" She asks me, snaking an arm around my shoulders as a side hug. I stood up, denying her hug.

"I'm hanging out with a friend tomorrow," I told her. I wanted to make plans with Emma because she wanted to show me something.

"Well cancel. Since Debby and Josh were going out for an anniversary date, Tyler thought you, him and I could go somewhere." She told me, about to leave the room. "Oh, and bring a swimsuit."

"Ugh," Now I have to cancel with Emma, and she will not be happy.

Just as I finished texting Emma the bad news, Tyler walked in my room.

"Why did you tell her we would go out tomorrow," I demanded.

"Well, I thought it would be a good bonding idea for you two. Plus, if things get out of hand, I can stop it," He told me and I rolled my eyes.

"That's as worse of an idea as leaving me here with Debby for a month.." I mumbled. He chuckled and gave me a mini noogie.

"Stop! I spent ten minutes on this!" I yelled until he stopped.

He started laughing but before he walked out he said, "Try to be nice."

I rolled my eyes walked downstairs for a water bottle. I took a a huge drink with my eyes closed until the bottle suddenly tilted more upwards and I couldn't take it all in. I threw the bottle to the ground and heard someone run away, while I was on the ground coughing.

"Hey, you okay?" Josh said, walking into the kitchen and offering me a hand. I accepted it and stood up. Looking at the mess on the floor.

"Awe.." I complained, grabbing the mop and cleaning it up, throwing the water bottle in the trash.

"What happend?" Josh asked me. I shook my head.

"I don't know. I was drinking water and suddenly it tilted upwards and I slapped it away as I couldn't take it all in, and when I fell onto the ground I heard footsteps running away," I told him truthfully.

"You probably just tilted it too far Lillie. And you probably imagined the footsteps," He said, trying to convince me before walking out of the kitchen.

"I doubt it.." I mumbled before going for a walk.

Omg thank you guys so much for 200 reads! I've written books before but none of them have ever gotten to 150 reads let alone 200! Leave requests for chapters in the comments and tell me how this one was! 😁😘😙💓

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