9. Secrets Unfolded

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"Lillie! How could you?" Debby said to me. I stayed quiet. She just found me purging, and I didn't know what to say.

The second we got home from pizza, Tyler hopped in the van and him and Josh drove off for some tour thing. They'd be back in a month.

"Come on," She said, sitting me down on my couch.

"Talk to me. Why?" She asked.

"Ask Josh. I don't feel like retelling the story for the 3rd time," I said a little annoyed.

"That's fine. But I don't want to ask Josh, I want you to tell me," She said to me and I nodded.

"Now, Josh and Tyler said you can't go see that girl who you snuck out with, and you can't steal Tyler's sweatshirts," She told me.

I pretended to be shocked.

"I haven't stolen a sweatshirt in a month!" I exclaimed. She rolled her eyes.

"Dinner will be done soon. You're eating. All of it," She stated and exited.

"Yep I'm eating." I mumbled to myself. "Eating up your lectures when you find out I snuck out."

I climbed our my window, as she forgot to lock it, and ran texted Emma to meet me in the woods behind my house.


"Wait, so she doesn't know you're here? And your dad is out of town?" She said, clarifying everything. I nodded.

"I'm gonna be dead meat when I get home!" I said laughing.

"She won't notice you were gone," She assured me.

"Sure. She won't notice the nose ring at all," I said sarcastically.

"Take it out! Hey, didn't she say it would be done soon?" She asked me. My eyes went wide.

"You're right! I'll text you when I get home!" I said running out.

"It's your turn to pay," She called to me, and I threw money on the counter.

I ran home, climbing the tree and jumping onto my bed, panting.

I heard footsteps come towards my room and I ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Lillie? Dinner is done. Sorry it took longer to cook," Debby said through the door.

"O-okay," I stuttered, out of breath. "I'll be right there."

I heard the footsteps walk away and I stepped our of the bathroom, hoping I won't have to eat much.

I walked downstairs and sat down at the table.

"Um, Lillie?" She asked me, giving me a stern look.

"What?" I replied, a little annoyed.

"When did you get a nose ring?" She asked me. I controlled my self and my eyes thankfully didn't do wide, making my story more believable.

"I've always had this. I just haven't worn them in a while," I lied.

"Okay, then how come Josh nor Tyler told me that you had a lip ring?" She questioned.

"Why would I know? Just like they didn't tell you I had an eating disorder," I stated. She looked at me like she was trying to figure out a puzzle.

I just sat there, my face emotionless. She huffed and sat down to eat.

"I'm going to the store tomorrow, wanna come?" She asked.

"Sure," I said quickly. I needed more eyeliner and stuff anyways, and I didn't want to sneak out to get some.

"So...Josh told me about a key to lock your door and windows? Know where that key is?" She asked me with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes I do," I stated. She looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Well, are you going to tell me where they are?" I sighed.

"There's one in Josh's room and Tyler brought his with him," I said, nibbling on a piece of garlic bread.

"Okay. When I find it, your window is getting locked," She said calmly. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"It's already locked. Josh wanted to make sure I wouldn't sneak out," I said.

"Sure it is," She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my plate. I brought it into the kitchen and threw the food away, putting the plate into the sink.

As I was about to walk upstairs, Debby walked out of the kitchen and stopped me.

"Dumping it in the garbage means it isn't being eaten!" She said sternly. I rolled my eyes.

"The garbage is eating it," I said smirking. I bolted upstairs before she could say anything else and locked my bedroom door.

I got into pajamas and climbed into bed, wanting to forget this whole day. I fell asleep after tossing and turning for half an hour.


"Lillie! Get up!" Debby called from the doorway. I shot up.

"How did you get in? I locked the door!" I questioned. She chuckles.

"I found the key. And it was on the coffee table, not Josh's room," She said. I groaned, knowing my freedom was now over.

"Get dressed, we're leaving in an hour," She said before she walked to her own room.

I got up and got dressed. Today I chose a cropped black t-shirt under a dark green and black flannel, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a pair of black ankle socks and my black and white converse.

I grabbed my black purse and put my phone and some money in it. I did my makeup which consisted of black mascara, eyeliner, a smokey eye, and dark lavender lipstick. Then I put the lipstick in my purse.

I walked out and down to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle. Debby came down shortly after me and looked at me shocked.

"There is no way, you're going out like that," She told me, gesturing to my outfit.

"You're right," I said, walking upstairs. I put my silver nose ring in and walked back down. "Now it's perfect," I walked outside and got into the car, thinking of what I need to buy.

I suddenly got a text from Emma saying she wanted to see me at 6 today at the park.

I texted her back "okay" and asked Debby what time we would be home.

"Around 4 or 5, why?" She asked back.

"No reason," I said quickly.

We pulled into Sephora, and I gave her a questioning look.

"I need to buy makeup," She stated and walked inside. Whenever I need to buy makeup I just go to the drugstore.

I walked inside and picked out everything I needed rather quickly. Everything here was so expensive! But luckily I had enough money with four dollars left. Yay..

Omg I am so sorry guys for the EXTREMELY late update, but I've had writers block and couldn't think of anything. :(
Anyways I hope you liked the chapter, baiii!

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