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"Bella! Get back here, it's bath time!" I called after my daughter. She's already 4, and her little sister, Melody, is 2.

"No! I aweady had a baf!" She said from her bedroom. I ran in there, and picked her up from her bed. She squealed and tried to get out of my grip, but I held her close.

"Yes, but you got dirty again. So, you get a bath again," I told her. She pouted in my arms as I carried her to the bathroom.

"Chase! Could you bring Melody in here, too?" I called to my husband.

"Sure!" He called back. He came in shortly after with Melody, and plopped her in the bathtub with Bella. I shot him a playful glare.

"You know, you could have gotten her undressed before you put her in here right?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"It's her play clothes. They needed washed anyway," He said, chuckling. He kissed me on the forehead and headed out, hopefully to get started on the girls' laundry.

Unfortunately, our two and four year olds need laundry done almost every day. Why? Well, there's a creek by our house, and it's very muddy.. yeah. I'll let you put those together.

I washed Bella and Melody successfully, and by that I mean I didn't get splashed.

After the bath, I dried them off and put them in pajamas, then set them in the play room for a while.

I walked out to Chase, where he was working and sat next to him. I stared at him for a while and he didn't notice, so I started sighing. When that didn't work, I sighed louder.

"Yes, Lillie?" He asked, finally looked at me.

"I'm bored," I mumbled. He chuckled.

"You sound like you're 16 again." He told me, walking into the kitchen.

"Oh my god, no! Worst year of my life!" I exclaimed.

"But... that was when we met," He said, faking hurt in his eyes. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I meant for my hair! I dyed it like every 4 months!" I exclaimed, holding up my hair. We laughed for a while until we heard a loud crash from upstairs, followed by crying. I sighed.

"I'll go see what happend, you meet me in their room with the first aid kit," I told him, then ran upstairs.

I walked into the playroom to see Bella crying with a toy broke in half, but no Melody.

"Bella, where is your sister?" I asked.

She pointed to the closet which I held arts and crafts stuff in.

"Oh no," I mumbled. I yanked the door open, and saw Melody with glitter glue on her face and papers stuck to her hands. I picked her up and went to the bathroom, giving Chase the "False alarm" face.

He nodded, but went in to console Bella. I undressed Melody, and gave her her 3rd bath today. She kept giggling, but I didn't think it was very funny.


"Okay girls, bed time!" I said as I walked in the playroom.

"Awe! Pwease, mommy! Just one more minute! Pwease!" Bella begged. I shook my head.

"Nope. We're going to see grandpa, uncle Tyler and aunt Jenna tomorrow!" I exclaimed. Bella cheered and Melody clapped her hands. I chuckled and picked Melody up and held Bella's hand and led them to their room.

I tucked Bella in first, then put Melody in her crib and turned on their TV.

"Go to sleep soon girls, long day tomorrow," I told them.

"Goodnight, mommy," Bella said as I turned off the lights.

"Goodnight girls," and with that, I shut the door and walked into my bedroom where Chase was watching TV. I got into my pajamas and brushed my teeth, then laid down next to him.

"Hey, can you turn off the girls' TV?" I asked him, yawning. He nodded and left the room. I got under the covers and turned off the light, and he returned. He got under the covers with me and I drifted off to sleep after a few minutes.

I love all you guys so, so much. And I'm extremely sorry, but there will not be a sequel, I just don't have any ideas for it. I love you all and thank you for reading :,)

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