11. "Best" Day Ever

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Lillie (Of course)

"I'm almost ready.." I grumbled as I put a water bottle in my backpack. We were going hiking today for out day out, and the trail we were hiking led to a river, I guess. I threw some extra clothes in my bag, just in case these ones get wet.

"I'll get her. You just go out to the car. We'll meet you in there," I heard Jenna say to Tyler. "Lillie get in the car, right now! You've been in here too long and we're both ready to go!" Jenna yelled from the living room.

"You don't have to yell!" I yelled back at her. She's such a jerk! What did I ever do to her? I bet she was the one who... no, no nevermind.

I got in the back seat of the car, squished by a bunch of stuff.

"Ugh, what IS all this?" I asked Tyler.

"It's for camping," Tyler said, as if it was obvious.

"Camping? I thought it was just for the day!" I exclaimed.

"What? Jenna, you said you would tell her," Tyler told Jenna.

She gave him an innocent look and said, "I did tell her, Ty. She must not have been listening sweetie," Jenna said, turning around smirking at me. I glared at her.

"Well, did you bring any extra clothes at all?" Tyler asked.

"I brought an extra pair of clothes just in case, but nothing to sleep in," I told him. Jenna slightly smirked.

"Well, we can just stop by the clothes store and buy you some. Good as new," Tyler said.

"You're really going to make us buy a whole new set of  clothes just for one night?" She asks me while turning around to look at me. "You could definitely just sleep in those clothes, but whatever." She huffed and sat back in her seat.

"It's fine I can just sleep in these clothes, Tyler," I told him.

He shrugged and said, "Alright."


"Lillie, that tent isn't gonna put up itself," Jenna told me. I rolled my eyes.

"I already put up my tent. That's yours and Ty's," I told her.

"TYLER!" She screeched.

"Be quiet!" I yelled. "You're louder than an angry chimpanzee," I stated. She glared at me as Tyler walked through the forest, arms full of wood.

"Yeah babe?" He asked, putting the wood down.

"Can you put up our tent? My arms are tired.." She wined. He nodded and kissed her forehead.

"Of course," He said, which I rolled my eyes at.

I was thinking about the Parent Trap movie and about pushing Jenna out into the lake, but then I thought of how much trouble I'd be in.

"So what's for dinner?" Jenna asked. I looked at Tyler, wanting to know as well.

"Well, I was thinking hamburgers," He suggested, and Jenna nodded.

Tyler looked at me as if asking "Are you even gonna eat it?"

"I'll have a bite," I told him, and he smiled. Honestly, hamburgers sounded really good. I might have two bites..

Jenna looked between the two of us with jealousy, even though she had NO reason to be jealous, and went up to Tyler and started kissing him. I rolled my eyes and got back to organizing my stuff.

"Who wants to go swimming?" Tyler asked, already in his swim trunks.

I couldn't help but look at his body, even though I think of him as an uncle. He was my celebrity crush before I got adopted.

Jenna noticed my looks and quickly nodded her head, heading into her tent. I headed into mine after accepting his offer to get changed.

I walked out in a black Nike one piece while Jenna walked out in a super cute pink and black strapless bikini with a white lace cover up, along with black flip flops. (PIC ABOVE)

We walked to the lake and once we got there we all laid our stuff out. There was a rock that people jumped off of, and Tyler and I went on it together.

"Jenna! Are you sure you don't want to jump off?" Tyler called out to her.

"I'm sure! I'll just stay here and tan," She called back.

"You jump first," I told him.

"No, you go first," He told me. I shook my head.

"Ladies first!" He yelled, pushing me in as he did so. I squealed before I hit the water, and quickly plugged my nose.

"Rude!" I yelled once I resurfaced.

"Whatever," He said and jumped in, splashing the hell out of me.

"Again, rude!" I yelled as I jumped on his back.

"Hey!" He yelled, trying to push me off.

"Wanna go on the rope swing?" I asked him, and he nodded. I was about to get off his back, but he started swimming towards the swing.

"Tyler!" I yelled.

"Grab it," He said, and I grabbed the rope swing, pulling myself up.

Once he moved, I quickly lost strength and fell into the water. I resurfaced to find Tyler laughing at me. I swam to another rock which you jumped off the rope swing. I grabbed on, pulled it back, and swung forward.

I jumped off and made a splash big enough to splash Tyler. Once I resurfaced I felt myself getting lightheaded so I swam back to shore with Tyler following. I grabbed a bottle of wayer to drink as I sat on my towel to warm myself up.


"Tyler, c'mon! Let's go to bed. I'm tired!" Jenna whined. Tyler sighed and nodded, saying goodnight to me and walking back to their tent. A little while after I put out the fire and went to bed as well. I fell asleep happy, since I didn't end up eating any of the hamburger.

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