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After accepting him needing space you start to realize you can do it and be alone. Soon after he unblocks you and texts you just a "hey" a world wind of emotions go through your brain. He still cares? Maybe it's not goodbye? Friends? As you talk more and more reminiscing all the memories, all the pleasurable times, all the laughter. You notice what you're doing... moving on by not talking at all. that can't happen it won't. He's your happiness so you try to stay in touch and be friends even flirt here and there. Then everything comes crashing down once again, it's to much for him and he can't do it and he thinks it's better to stay distance and go from there. & I quote  "Ik we were gonna stay friends and talk but fr I think it's for the best if we calm down and stay single for a while I wanna kinda go separate ways for a while and see how it goes. If we end up coming back to Eachother then so be it but I do want us both to move on and then see if it happens again. Because I think it's for the best I'm not gonna block you I'm not gonna completely drop you if you really need me I'm here but I've been thinking about it and it's for the best torrie" . wondering what went wrong I sit and dwell on our whole relationship good and bad and why it's come to this. I try to pin point the reason only making it worse that I didn't know. my feelings are so mixed in how I feel it's so overwhelming. I feel almost trapped I can't not care but it hurts to care about every little thing from a Instagram comment to a facetime call with someone else. it all effects me immensely. I wish things could be more simply and not so up and down. I only want to be friends and stay close I already feel a spark coming back but by staying distant I don't want it to be gone forever.

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