Chapter Twenty-Five

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“I’m going to make a call to daddy, okay? I want you to be quiet and sit in the bedroom with me, okay?” We walked down into the basement and I sat on the bed. Carefully, I dialed the number.



It was picked up on the first ring. “Hello, Heaven, is that you?”



“Who is it, Alec?!”

I heard Addison yell at him.



“Yes, Alec, it’s me.”



“Oh, thank God! Heaven, please, please come home. We miss you.”



“No we don’t,”

I once agian heard Scarlett say in the background.



“SCARLETT WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP?! Sorry, she’s pissed about how unfair life is. Just, please, Heaven...come home.”






I stared at the phone. Should I go home? Well, really the only home I have? Maybe? Not really; this cabin could be my home.


Why did I get mad at them again? Because they lied? No...if I was truthful to myself, I’d realize that that was not the reason I was angry at them. I was angry because they were something I knew nothing about. I didn’t even give them a chance really. I wasn’t even angry because they involved me in this. I just didn’t understand them, so I ran. Typical human. Afraid of what we can’t understand, of what we don’t know. And running, or fighting. Hurting it, or them. How the society dubs someone as a “freak” or “unnatural”.



I probably hurt them really bad. Then I glanced over at Eva.



She seemed to love it there... And I took her away.



Okay, I would go back,

I thought, making up my mind, but first I’m going to do a little research. Just so I could understand them better.


“Heaven, are you there?” Oh, the phone was still on. I won’t tell them yet. “Eva, do you want to talk to daddy? Don’t tell him where we are, sweetie.”



“Okay, mommy. Hi daddy!” She paused. “No, mommy said we were on a long vacasen, but she said we’d go back. Mommy bought me lots of toys and clothes!” Another long pause... “No, mommy said not to tell you. But I can’t because she said...No!” she said laughing. “But we’ll be home then.” Pause. “Okay, daddy. I love you, too...Bye bye.”

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