Chapter Eleven

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Hey, I know this is sooner than expected, but I just couldn't stay away! But enjoy this one. Because it won't come so soon next time! And I would like it if some of you people voted. Come in, it's one click! And comments would be nice to! If you like it then why not tell me? And if you don't like it, all the more reason to tell me so.


Heaven's POV

The morning after the incident was restless. Policeman dropped by to get a statement and whatnot. They said they were happy because now, they had at least one solid case against this man. Turns out he had a record. Sexual harassment, rape, assault, battery, aggravated assault, you name it. He'd also been charged of the same thing with other girls my age in the same hospital.

God, I was disgusted with myself. Who knows what or how much he'd done to the other girls, and even to me. I wasn't a heavy sleeper, but that didn mean he couldn't have drugged me. When I told Alec this, his face became stone. He left the room for a second and when he came back, he had a policewoman with him.

"Okay," he said softly, despite the look on his face. "I'm going to leave the room, and when I do, I want ou to tell officer Sarah what you think. Can you do that?"

It took me a minute, but I kept telling myself that I needed to do this. "Yes," I said simply. A minute later he left the room.

"Okay, Heaven. Can you tell me what you think?" I nodded. "Alrght. I'm ready when you are," she said taking out a pad and pencil.

"A minute ago I was thinking how much he could have possibly done to the other girls. I was thinking that I wasn't a heavy sleeper, but he could always have just drugged me or something."

She looked at me and nodded. "In that case," she said, "it might mean that he's done the same to other girl and they don't even know it. Would you mind if we did a rape kit?" I didn't exactly know what that was, but from the name, I could pretty much guess it.

I have to do this, I told myself. "No, go ahead."

While the rape kit was being done, she told me that she was glad I told her that possibility because now they would have to do more rape kits on girls my age that he had contact with in the hospital.

When she and the doctor were done, Alec came back in. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been hit by a bus. Any news?"

"The only news I'm giving you is that soon Pierce is goon to release you from the hospital."

Oh no. Sure I wanted to leave, but how was I going to manage without Alec? I couldn't think of a way. He saw my internal panic.

"Don't worry, Hev, you'll be fine. You'll have a lot of friends over I'm sure. At school, all they talk about is you. They can't wait to see you. Besides if you need me, I'll know and I'll be right over, okay?"

I nodded.

This was going to be one helluva time.

Alec's POV

We released her not long after that. We had a few tricks up our sleeves. We weren't going to let her be scared. Besides we had to watch her very closely.

I drove her home. The ride was quiet, but that didn't bother me. I'm not sure if it bothered her, either. I guess I'd find out sooner or later. Plus, she was sure to be surprised at the "Welcome Home" party Addison threw. Maybe a little angry, but surprised. She didn't know who Addison was or what she looked like, so to be sure nothing went wrong, she was going to be there. And knowing her, shed have a lot of people there.

And something could easily go wrong. But like Pierce said. Zane and I would be near. Zane was actually excited. He said he was going to "enjoy the little time to spy on a human girl". Scarlet and Addison both hit him in the back of he head. THAT was funny.

We arrived at her house, it was jet black all around, as Addison had wanted. She plan the whole thing herself, makng sure any valuables if her parents were carefully put away so no one broke them. As she was starting to get out, I beat her to the door and opened it for her.

As we walked to the door she asked, "Not to be rude, but is there a reason you're walking me to my door three feet away from your car?" All I gave her was a smirk. "Didn't think so..."

She used a key to open the door. As soon as she got in the door, "SURPRISE!"

Heaven's POV

I was curious as to why Alec not only drove me home, but also walked me to my door when it like, three or four feet away from his car. Plus he opened the car door for me! Stuff like that made me mad. I hated it when people did things for me! Either way, it was only out of sympathy. I mean, I'd lost both my parents, sexually harassed, possibly raped, I mean...God, what else could go wrong!? I soon realized that I hated my life now.

I used my key to open the door. And the second I walked in... "SURPRISE!"

I stood at the threshold, bewildered. Surprise? No, I wasn't surprised. A little shocked, but not surprised.

I was sure all of my friends were there, and more! Who had planned the whole thing, I had no idea.

"Kayleigh!" I screamed while runnin to hu my friend. She returned the hug twice as hard.

"Hey there, girly. I'm sorry for the loss, we all are, but we are glad to have you back! Speaking of, what got you put in the hospital in the first place?" I shook my head. "Later, huh? Okay, just make sure you tell the story!" I smiled and nodded through my tears.

After that, I sent the best o an hour just talking and catching up with friends. Then someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Hi," said an unfamiliar, bird like voice. "My name is Addison. You don't know me, But I've seen you around and I've been dying to meet you!" I turned around to see the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen! HER meet ME!? She looked so fragile.

"Uh...H-hi. I'm, uh, Heaven..." I stuttered like an idiot because I was fixed on the way she looked. She was a little shorter than me, maybe five-six. Her hair was long, it went about to her waist, and it was black. Not like a few tints here and there, her hair was jet black. She was skinny, and her face was pale, but she still had color to it. Her eyes were a beautiful blue color. Is never seen this type of blue as an eye color, except by contacts, but I knew she want wearing any because I wore them myself sometimes. Her lips were a full, plump pink, no make-up at all. At least none that I could tell. The clothes she wore accented her skinny frame. She was beautiful, not that I'd jugde a girl, but she was!

"I know who you are." She smiled at me. "So do you like the party?"

"Oh, the party! Yes, I love it! I'm going to have to thank whoever put it together for me. Do you know who that might be?"

"I'm sorry, I don't. But if I find out, I'll thank them for you." She smiled at me again and we started in a full on conversation. I'd barely realized that Alec had slipped out from under my toes. I went around with Addison, thanking all of friends and everyone else who was there. Everyday after that night, Addison came over to my house to spend time with me. She reminded me of someone, but I couldn't tell who. And everyday she left at the same time. A couple of times she even spent the night with me.

She became my new best friend, and I grew a huge bond with her. Over the course of just three weeks, I thought of her as a sister. She'd certainly become one to me. I learned a lot about her too. I never went to her house, but I didn't care. She loved to shop.

I'd found the presents that my parents had gotten me and opened them one night after she left. The whole time I was opening them, I cried silent tears.

Alec's POV

We heard something.

That's it for this short chapter! And it's a big cliffhanger at the end, I know, but I couldn't resist. It was too fun. I hope to get more votes and comments before I upload again. Sayonara!!

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