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Kayden's POV
"I can't! I can't I'm just a 16 year old I won't be able to do it!!" I said while turning towards lord Stark horror marsing my features
"Kayden, your aim is to unify Demenor and bag it's position which was under the reign of your great grandfathers how would you'll achieve your goal if you'll doubt yourself never ever doubt yourself!! That's it now take the sword in your left hand and swing it like it's your body part think it's your hands and eliminate all your negative thoughts only focus!" Lord Stark roared as he gave a blow to me while teaching me to wield two swords at a time my god Lord Stark was very powerful to challenge him was to certainly get defeated for sure how could I will ever going to  defeat him I inwardly thought as I was trying to defend myself struggling to maintain the upper hand which was futile

Suddenly I started hearing my grandpa's voice long gone my focus and my sword

"Kayden ,remember who you are, you are my one true successor you must take your place in this life of destiny!!! Remember who you are!!


I woke up with a jolt ,these dreams were becoming very frequent nowdays but never did I had two dreams occurring simultaneously that's odd
I don't think that I should worry about they are just dreams after all but in these past years a lot have happened as I had promised to myself I conquered very territory which was once a part of Demenor expect the city of Alkadia which is ruled by my cruel heartless father sometimes I don't know how to react when someone says I'm his son I am angry with him as well I pity him but do I hate him? I don't know ,I know should hate him after what he has done but my heart as well as my mind can't accept the fact that he played with our lives as if they mean nothing to him I started walking towards the widow to get some fresh air and thinking about Lord and lady Stark my eyes becomes wet something which I haven't experienced in so many years but I quickly wiped them away not giving a chance to them to slip from my eyes they both are like my parents perhaps more than that they have become extremely close to me as well as River they treat her as their daughter sometimes I feel so blessed that I have them in my lives I had never thought that I will get love but they treat me as their son  3 months have passed so fast it seems as it was yesterday when the good Lord asked us to stay to me Gallifiry is my second home
Tristan has also been my best friend in hardships and in ease never did he turn his back on me which I am very grateful of  as for Victoria she has also been a good friend perhaps more than a good friend in all these years she has enhanced her beauty and also become one of the finest female warrior of all time even men are afraid when she steps in the battlefield one flaw which I admire the most is that she's self independent which every women should be just like my sweet sister River back then in Demenor no women is allowed to even touch a sword or even give an advice to anyone something which I fully oppose of and my blood boils whenever I hear about these incidents happening in Demenor I want to free them all but I'm bound by my pledge given to my sister that I will never step my foot in Demenor which she forcefully made me say when I was going to attack Demenor to fulfill my dream but it seems that I will never be able to fulfill it as I can't attack Demenor's King    But Lord Stark adviced me to stay content of what I have achieved in my life till now and he made a point in that so right now I'm alright I was so consumed in my own that I didn't realised that Victoria was standing beside me in her blue silky gown which beautifully showed her curves

" Princess Victoria or should I say Queen Victoria what are you doing here at this hour are you alright is there something wrong?" I mockingly i tried to jest I knew she didn't like it when I call her Princess or Queen

"How many times have I asked you my Lord please call me Victoria " she said while her face was deprived from its colour and she was looking ill which made a little worried

"Okay Victoria are you alright?" I asked again sincerely

"Yes I'm fine it's nothing I came here to inform you that River is going with me to the nearby lake " she stated

"At this time it's not even dawn......" I started but was stopped by her in the middle

"Oh come on Lord Kayden by the time we'll reach there it will be dawn and River knew that you'll decline her request so I've came here to tell you besides we both are empresses and can go to the lake "she said as if she was not asking but ordering me one thing that she never does she acting very peculiar since lady Stark has gone to meet her aunt ,Victoria and River both were behaving quite odd  perhaps they both are hiding something from me

"Okay River can go with you wherever you are heading to but please go with some soldiers for security purpose"

I said as I knew that it would be waste of time in asking what the matter is , to know about their problem is to follow them and find it out myself .

I had a gut feeling that something is not right but what ??

"Guards !!" I barked "Go to Sir warren and ask him to be ready and meet me on the entrance after the queens have left for their destination and make Asher ready go quick!!" I said as they meekly nodded their heads and vanished quickly
What could be the matter which made Victoria so worried? I thought as I ran my hands through my hair
And then I started getting dressed now is the time to find out I inwardly thought


It has been an hour since me and warren are following both the ladies as suspected they are hiding something from me  as we have crossed the river a long time ago
They both were with only 5 soldiers and started heading towards the forest

"My lord why are they going in the forest with such low military it's not appropriate " warren said who had proved his worth from time to time and has become one of my most close friends

"I don't know but this is highly dangerous " I said while my mind was calculating for the possible reasons which made them lie to me

"My lord even we don't have any military I know we should go after them but we should have informed Lord Stark about it" he said while we entered the jungles after a few miles we will be no more be in Gallifiry we will enter Demenor Bloody hell!!!! What are they up to now !!!

"You are right and I think you should go back to the palace tell Lord Howard as well as Lord Tristan and then come to us as fast as you can "

"But my lord what about you and the queens I can't just leave you my lord" Warren said worriedly

"Don't worry about me just go and inform them I will be fine and will also take care of them go!! I command you " I said  and warren nodded ,tuned his horse and said "Okay but be vigilant,Kayden" he addresses me by my name whenever he's worried one of his old habits

"I will be now go" I smiled as hold the reigns more tightly and ordered Asher to be more fast I was just a few yards away from doing very possible thing to stay quite and not let them notice me

We had already crossed more than half of the jungle when they both suddenly halted in front of a small hut and went inside with the guards  ,we were near the border of Gallifiry which is around 3 hours away from the palace shite!! I just hope they both don't let us all fall in some bloody trap or something

I pushed myself down from Asher and told him to be quite as I went near the hut where I found a window which provided a good opportunity to peek inside I was stunned to see man before me he was my greatest enemy whom I hate most in this world none other than Drake himself!!!


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