Chapter 8~One Last Chance

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Off the bat I'd like to apologize for such late updates- I put a warning on my profile that you should expect late updates on both of my stories to from now on you've been warned.


"Do you really need to buy all of that Liam?" I asked looking at the overflowing grocery cart. "Probably, I like to have options when I eat." He shrugged before picking up, yet another, box of cereal.

I looked around the store and saw how un-social the world is starting to get,nobody in this whole store is talking, just looking at the almost empty store shelves. I remember when I was a kid, everyone in stores would be talking, interacting.

Suddenly I heard a bang on the back wall of the store, it shook the people in the store out of their trances and they all looked away from the shelves and around the store.

"Calm down everyone, it was probably just that a box fell in the storage room." The cashier assured before starting to talk to a worried customer.

"Box fell my ass, come on Jimmy were leaving right now." I heard a woman say next to me before grabbing her son's hand and walking towards the Exit. "But mommy, I didn't get to buy my box of Apple Jacks." Jimmy protested (I'm sorry, I saw the opportunity and took it.) as his mom dragged him out of the store.

"Hey Zayn, can you go in line, I need to run over and grab some bread- I remembered that Niall doesn't like white bread." LIam called to me while he was already jogging away.

'Sure thing' I mumbled before rolling the cart behind a short-stubby man with a very noticeable pot-belly.

I reached into my pocket about to pull out my phone when I heard another series of bangs coming from the same side of the building, this time more people fled from the store than the first bang.

There were allot of murmurs coming form people in the line thinking about leaving the cart and getting the hell out of this store. And there were some people who just dropped their baskets and walked out of the store.

I heard a teenage girl behind me mumble, 'Calm yourselves jeez.' while rolling her eyes and scrolling through her phone. 


Once the cashier bagged all of our stuff we returned the cart and struggled to carry all of them out of the store.

"Hey, where did Niall say he was going to sit while we were grocery shopping?" Liam said looking at the empty park in front of us, "He said that he'd be sitting on that bench right in front of the store." I replied starting to worry because the bench was empty.

"Maybe he's in one of the shops."

We started to walk down the sidewalk getting farther and farther from the store each step, occasionally we would pass stores, but they were all closed. "This is ridiculous, it's not even that late it's only six, why are all of the shops closed!" Liam exclaimed as he put the bags down and leaned against a closed shop's door.

"Why don't we just call me Liam." I suggested before pulling out my phone and dialing Niall's number.

I wasn't surprised that we could hear it ringing; But I was surprised when I realized where the ringing was coming from.

"Oh my god, Zayn it's coming from the alley right next to the store!" Liam exclaimed before taking off running down the street.

I grasped my phone before taking after Liam and sprinting down the sidewalk, many images were running through my mind about what I was about to see in that alley.

Once I caught up with Liam he was just standing right in front of the corner of the alley, but he didn't take a step into the alley.

"What's wrong Liam?" I panted as I put my hand on his shoulder,

"I don't want to see what's in there." he grumbled while he rubbed a hand over his face. "I don't want a replay of what happened with Harry." His voice cracked on various words.

"Yeah but Liam, even if Niall is hurt in there, we have a chance of helping him- If we just stand here he might be dying away every second Liam, come on!" I insisted while taking a step over the corner.

What I saw lying in the alley not only punched the breath out of me, But I'm pretty sure it also scared me for life.

There was Niall, lying helpless with the living daylights beaten out of him and there was blood surrounding his head and legs. And there was Liam behind me crying and furiously dialing 999 while mumbling 'not again, not again, not again'.

Sorry it's so short my mind kinda went blank after that last paragraph :(

One Last Chance-Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now