Chapter 4~One Last Chance

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 Hiiiiiiiiiiiii, I'am soo happy that I finally reached 1,000 reads on Childhood Memories! :D I reached my goal of 1,000 reads before the end of June. 

I think this is more of a filler chapter, so it is probobly really suckish. :P

please read on.


"-and you can't just ignore us and just force yourself to thinking were not here and you can sit in your room and feel sorry for yourself all day long, It wasn't your fault that Harry-" Liam continued on and on after he saw that I threw my pizza away, But I wasn't really listening.

I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened in the bathroom, was it even real? Or has my sorrow turned into really vivid hallucinations. 

"-why do you think we even try anymore Louis?, We try because we care about you and if all your ever going to do is push away our help then maybe we should all just go our separate ways."

When I realized he finished talking and was now just standing there fuming I stood up and mumbled, "Sorry." I said it so quietly, I was surprised that I could even hear it.

His stressed facial expression softened the slightest bit .

He let out a breath and said, "If you want a hug I'm going to get Niall because I'm not the hugger of this group." the ends of his lips twitched making a really small smile and then he left.

I just stood there for a while but then I saw Niall come walking through the door and just came over and hugged me. But it was just one of those 'bro to bro' hugs. "Are you going to be back to normal now?" He said with a hopeful smile.

"I never said that.".

He stepped away from the hug, "Well I guess saying sorry is only a start." He walked away with disappointment clearly showing in his face.

That's all I've ever turned into, a disappointment.

Now back on that ghost. I'm pretty sure she wasn't real, but if she wasn't real then I was thinking it, But why would I think up something like that? But it doesn't matter. That whole 'finding your happiness' thing was just something my mind thought of to make me feel better. My mind was just trying to make me think I actually had an option to become happy again.

But I just feel like there actually was a ghost there. Of course I can't tell the lads about this, what if I actually am crazy, and they probably wouldn't believe me anyway. They already think i'm crazy.

What is the point in my life anymore? If all I do is cause a nuisance to everyone and just waste my time sulking. 

As I was silently lying on my bed I felt a cold rush of air pass by me and a cold silky finger poke my foot. I looked down hopefully and there was the ghost.

"I swear to god Louis, you and your messed up mind are driving me nuts, I'm seriously planning on asking the big guy if I can find this girl of yours myself." The harsh words came out of her soft pale white lips.

"Your really here, as in i'm not crazy?" Were the first words that fell out of my mouth, She rolled her eyes, "This depression really messes up your head huh?" She reached out and grabbed my hand, I was expecting her hand to slip right through my flesh but she actually held my hand in hers.

"You feel that?, My hand, your touching it, i'm here, your not crazy get that thought through your mind."

"Do I have to write a note or something so that when I'm gone you won't commit suicide cause you think your hallucinating." She said pursing her lips together, "No, I'm just......just-"

One Last Chance-Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now