Chapter 6~One Last Chance

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 I'm never ever ever going to buy GQ magazine- they were so disrespectful to the boys in their magazine. Stereotyping all of them. And I'm sorry for the late update.



I just got back to Starbucks, before I walked in though I took the band aids and Medicine out of the plastic bag and then threw the plastic bag away.

Once I walked in some people I noticed were gone, but the one thing I noticed the most was there was a boy sitting next to that girl that I bought the band aids for, he was wiping off the blood from her shoulder and was wiping off some tears from her face.

I know I shouldn't be feeling the way i'am but I can't help but feel saddened by the sight in front of me, I sucked it up and walked back over to the girl and put the band aids on the table. Once the boy saw me put them on the table he asked the girl.

"Skye, who is he?" the boy said pulling, Skye, closer to him. This action kinda bothered me.

Skye glared up at me and quietly said back to him, "I don't know he just came up to me while you were in the bathroom and insisted on buying me band aids.".

Her name was Skye.

The boy suddenly stood up and pushed the band-aids away from the table, "Hey man, I didn't mean to cause any trouble I just saw that she was bleeding and stuff so I-" I stuttered.

"Well maybe you should just mind your own business." He then grabbed the box of band-aids and ointment and shoved them onto my chest. I stumbled back a little bit.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a pleading voice saying, "Louis don't do anything let's just leave." Amanda was tugging at my arm.

 I quickly set the band-aids back down on the table and exited the coffee shop.

Once I started to walk away from Starbucks Amanda started talking, "How come the only girl you find interesting has to be the one girl who has a protective buff man with her, and obviously has a rough past."

"I don't know- can't I just live the rest of my life alone." I said stuffing my hands in my pocket.

"No, you already have been I guess you could say 'cursed', so if you decide to hold off on finding a girl then it's out of my hands and you will live the rest of your life as a living hell." She said shrugging.

"My life is already a living hell." I scoffed.

"You do realize that you have 3 boys here trying to help you get your life back on track and they all love you like a brother." Amanda said bumping into my shoulder.

"And you'll never know what this curse might do , it's most likely not going to just harm you Louis, So I think you should think again about laying off on searching for that girl." She finished.

"It's only been a day and it seems impossible." I said walking down some stairs.

"You have to keep trying Louis, And I think you're forgetting that I still have the future of you're happiness in the palm of my hands." She said showing me that same piece of paper that she showed me the first time with the word 'Happiness' on it.

"What is the point in that- it's just a piece of paper." I said stepping onto the sidewalk.

"When the 'big guy upstairs' sent me down here he gave me this piece of paper telling me not to lose it- So i'm guessing it has some meaning to it." She said examining the paper.


"Hey guess what?" Amanda said after a while of silent walking

"What?" I said tiredly

"I put a tracker on that girl back in Starbucks." She said smiling slyly at me.

"So what?" I said not seeing the point of doing that.

"So, some other time if you feel like it- you can go find her and-"

"Okay let me stop you there, I'm not going to ever feel like it." I said  turning the corner to the area where the hotel is.

"Okay." She said holding up her hands in defeat.

Once I got to the hotel front doors Amanda said, "Well here's my stop, My shifts done for the day-I 'll come back tomorrow to, you know give you some motivation to go out and search, Bye." She started to disappear but she stopped herself.

"Oh-Here take this just in case." She held out her hand and gave me the small tracking device that she showed me this morning.


Once Amanda left I went up to the hotel room and just went to sleep, I was too Depressed to do anything else.


I woke up today at  One O'clock in the afternoon, which is pretty late but I couldn't be bothered to wake up when My alarm clock went off- I have nothing planned today anyway. 

So when I woke up I just sat in bed and searched the web for funny videos-I was hoping watching funny cats would lighten up my mood but all it did was show me stupid cats.

I searhed the web, took naps, and did nothing for the rest of the day it was around Six-thirty in the afternoon and Amanda hasn't showed up yet, And I haven't heard of the boys for a while. They came in once this morning to check up on me and offer me breakfast a couple times but that was it.


I was scrolling through my twitter account that was no longer used anymore, when Amanda finally popped up into my bedroom with a panicked look on her face.

"What's up?" I said turning off my phone.

"Louis look, one of the letters is missing from here." She held out the piece of paper with 'Hapiness' written on it- except there was an 's' missing from the end of it.

"What do you think this means?" She said giving me the paper.

"I don't know maybe someone erased it?" I said giving the paper back.

"Why would someone erase it Louis think for a minute!" She said pacing back and forth.

"What have you done today?" She said sitting next to me on the bed, "Nothing." I said sheepishly."It's the curse!" She exclaimed jumping up onto her feet, "Since you didn't search today, you're going to get the conseq-"

"Yes yes I know the 'consequences'." I scoffed. "This is serious!" She said slightly hitting me on the shoulder.

"Well nothing has happened so I don't think anything is going to hap-" Before I could finish my sentence my phone started to blare out my ringtone.

"Hello?" I said into the phone after I picked it up.

"Are you someone who goes by the name of Louis William Tomlinson?"

"Yes, this is he- who is this?" I answered

"And you live with men who go by the name of Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, And Liam Payne correct?"

"Correct." I said starting to get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Niall Horan has been checked into the hospital with many severe injuries, Zayn Malik was the young man who checked him in- Were very sorry."

One Last Chance-Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now