Chapter 1~One Last Chance

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                                                                          Louis Pov

I abruptly sat up from the bed, waking me up from the frightful nightmare. I was dripping with sweat, and the covers of the bed were messily thrown everywhere all over the room from the violent thrashing that comes with the nightmares.

I looked at the time, 12:23 am.

Not even thirty minutes after I tried to fall asleep, twenty minutes ago.I knew it was no use,trying to talk myself into thinking I could actually get a good nights sleep.

It has been happening for the past two months.It was visible that I had gotten dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep.I almost looked like a vampire, Getting no sleep,  having dark circles under my eyes and getting pale from lack of contact with the sun, or really just lack of contact with anyone really.

I have been getting sick alot lately. Again, a side affect of getting no sleep.

The boys are all worried about me, along with Eleanor and honestly, I wish they would just leave me alone. They try to help me but they get no progress out of it. But they try anyway.

They are always trying to make everyday normal, like a day where We have Niall begging for breakfast in the morning, Liam telling Niall to be quite because we have neighbors,Zayn telling Niall to 'shut up' because he needs his sleep, me running around screaming the morning song.

But they need to understand that a morning can't be normal if there isn't Liam telling Harry to put some clothes on because Harry would be running around naked all the time.

I seem to be the only one to realize this.

They all try to wake me up with omelets and grape tomatoes with bacon. But breakfast just doesn't taste the same without Harry being the one to make it.

And here comes the tears, the tears that come whenever I think about Harry, My once best friend.

I looked down and saw wet splotches all over my boxers, from the tears, and left over sweat.I decided I would put some clothes on and head out for a drink. Not that it wasn't normal.

I did this pretty much every night, Since mentally It was impossible to sleep at night.I didn't need to sneak out because the boys all knew that I did this.

But I knew that they all wished that they wouldn't hear me sneaking out, it would calm their minds a bit knowing I was actually sleeping. And not getting drunk out of my mind and putting myself in a very bad situation. A situation where I had no thoughts, and for a short moment, I would be able to live in a numb, painless world.

I took a cab because I wouldn't be able to drive in the condition that I would be in by the end of my escape. 

Once I got to the bar I just walked in past the security because they knew who I was, I came here every night for god's sake, I was a regular here.

I came and went to sit in the furthest stool away from the door.

They bartender didn't even need to ask what I wanted, I needed ten shots of vodka and a bottle of beer. I needed them in order to escape from this sick world that I call home.

 The beer to get my neck and stomach ready for the powerfulness of the vodka.

I opened the beer and took a swig, the sour taste of the beverage burning my neck as I swallowed.But it wasn't as powerful as the vodka.

After I finished everything, I felt dizzy and numb.

The sensation wasn't new to me.

I stumbled my way to the front door and let the cold night air hit my face, I went out by the street and called for a taxi. After I got in I slurred the address that I needed to get back to.And what seemed like 2 seconds I was already here. I pulled out whatever money was in my wallet, not having the patience to count money at the moment. And mumbled a, "Thanks." to the cab driver.

I walked to the front door, almost tripping on the porch step. And I could seem to find my key in my pocket, I pulled out the whole pocket then heard something metal clang to the cement porch


I could barely see anything because it felt like my head was spinning in circles. I tried getting on my hands and knees feeling the ground to find the key, but felt nothing.

It most likely bounced into the grass. Even better.

How the hell am I supposed to get inside now?

I tried my luck and knocked on the door, I crossed my fingers hoping someone would hear the knock and open the door.

After a while I saw the door open slightly then I heard a sigh, I saw the familiar blond hair and Irish boxers and mentally thanked him for opening the door,Mentally since I could barely talk from the dizziness I was still feeling.

He motioned with his arms fro me to sit on the couch after I walked in, I sat and propped my feet up onto the coffee table and rolled my head back into the soft couch cushion. A couple of minutes passed and I was pretty sure I could talk properly now, "Thank you Niall." I said opening my eyes to make sure he was still in the living room.

"Welcome." He mumbled while fiddling with his thumbs, "How did you hear the knock?" I said quietly now sitting up more straight now. "I happened to be awake." Niall said looking up from his fingers.

"How were you awake?" I said, Niall enjoyed his sleep almost as much as Zayn.

"You think I can sleep any better than you can Louis?" Niall said with a bit of annoyance in his voice, "But I never noticed you awake at night before?" I said truthfully, He was never awake before tonight,I least I thought.

"Louis I can't sleep because It's hard to knowing that your out there getting drunk off your mind and putting yourself in danger, I just think I need to be more cautious now." Niall said, his voice getting softer at the end."I understand Niall, But you don't need to put yourself in a situation like this, you need sleep, Don't let me be the one to keep you from it." I said closing my eyes hoping the conversation would be over by now.

"You need sleep to Louis, Your only human." He said back with concern in his voice.

"Niall I would sleep if I could, I can't fall asleep without having nightmares." I said in a more harsh tone, "I know Harry was your best friend, He was close to all of us, But-" I cut him off, "But nothing,I know Harry was close to everyone else, But he wasn't as close to any of you as he was to me, He was more than a brother and more than a best friend." I spoke harshly to Niall , instantly regretting it because of the sad look on his face.

"Sorry that I have become so annoying for wanting to help you out, and fine, you won't be the reason for me to want to stay up." Niall said as he slowly walked up the stairs with what looked like a glass of milk and a bag of chips, that boys habits never change.

I felt guilty,Niall had this sort of spell on everyone where whenever you do one bad thing to him you suddenly feel like you just killed him or something.

Like if you saw someone going over to punch Niall, you would go nuts.

He just puts off that feel of a nice carefree person.

So now I felt really bad for hurting his feeling like that. But I couldn't spend all that much time thinking about it, My head still hurt like crazy and I needed to relax for a bit.

One Last Chance-Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now