I stood next to Xavier, our eyes scanning over the blueprints for the new weapon design. I finally finished Kevin's weapon design. Two months had quickly passed and I was hoping that we could have the weapon finshed before the homecoming dance at the school.
"Hey X.." I began absentmindedly as we both grabbed tools and started building.
"Yeah wassup?"He answered calmly.
"Ever wonder why we're here?" I asked him, locked in deep thought.
"You mean like in this base or..?"
"No I just mean in general. It keeps me up at night sometimes. Like why are we here. In this situation. This world is an illusion. We're out of it but for the others who aren't..they think this is all real. What happens when we crack it and everyone comes back to reality?" I frowned slightly. The thought was perplexing.
"You're thinking about this way to much." He chuckled softly.
"Am I really? Or have we given this to little thought.
"Elaborate."He spoke calmly as he slid on protective glasses and began sawing against metal, sparks flying as he worked.
"Well I mean like.. You ever look at it this way? What if we're the bad guys? I mean the world has finally acheived peace and here we are trying to screw everyone over." I said, questioning my own morals.
"But the peace isn't real. Its fake. That's why we do this. " A small grin graced my features.
"That was a test to see where your head is at big guy. Glad to see you're still riding the same crazy train the rest of us are." I smiled and bumped fists with him before returning to work.
"Bet my date to the dance will look the best." I heard Kyle gamble as I walked into the main room of the base.
"What? Psh. Top heavy Cassidy doesn't have ish on my slim thick Ashley." Kev snapped back.
I rolled my eyes as I walked through past them. The living room was quite basic. It was one of the few carpeted rooms in the base. The carpet was a black color. There were three grey couches forming a horseshoe shape facing the Tv, which was placed against the far wall; currently playing music through a soundbar that was connected to it. There were small tables with lamps on them on either side of the Tv and a coffee table was in the center of the set up.
"Yeah well I'm not going." Kevin groaned as he sharpened his knife.
"You couldn't find a date?" I heard Vincent taunt, his fingers typed furiously on his keyboard, his laptop sat in his lap.
I pulled a soda from the fridge and smirked before joining into the conversation.
"Oh so Mr interracial thinks that since he pulled black female he's the best?" I teased Vincent. He was always a bit awkward when it came to women.
"W-well.I-I uhh..."He stuttered.
"Hush child you have much to learn. I have yet to find a date. But I have my eyes set on a girl. And I too support interracial couples." I said with a small laugh.
"Guys keep in mind that not all dates to the dance leads to relationships." I said solemnly as I take a seat on the couch next to Kev, a smirk growing on my face.
"Yeah yeah we know." Kev said waving me off. I chuckled softly.
"Hey Kev we're working on your weapon right now." I grinned as he smiled evilly.
"Nice." He grinned widely, exitement flashing in his eyes.
"Okay so when's our next mission?" Vincent asked. His aqua eyes leaving his laptop screen to look at me momentarily.

Name Undecided
AdventureThe government has brainwashed the world to create an illusion of peace. A group of teens break this system and fight in hopes of achieving justice and bringing rightful peace to the world once again