The truth hurts

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I woke up the next morning and headed to Manhattan alone.

"Liz" Jack said running up to me.

I ignored him and kept on walking but he blocked me.

"Don't make me" I said holding up my fist.

"Look I'se don't blame you're for being mad at me I'se was just mad and I'se sorry I'se took all my anger out on you'se can you'se please forgive me?" Jack said.

"I'll give you one more chance don't blow it Cowboy" I said.

"I won't" he said "Hey I'se was just about to sell papers wanna sell wit me?"

"Sure" I said as Jack handed me half of his papes.

"Baby born with three heads!" I yelled as we both headed to opposite sides of the street.

"Look Jack" I said meeting him at the boxing ring "Sold twenty papes already" I said showing of my twenty cents.

"What story didja use?"he asked looking through the pape.

"Bloody corpse on railroad page three" I said.

"Twenty cents for that lousy bummer of a headline?" he asked I smirked and he smiled back

"You little scoundrel you" he said knocking the bill of my hat.

"Jack, Jack" I said "It's Snyder.

We exchanged worried looks as about ten Bulls started running after us. We outran them for most of the way but we were blocked by Bulls on horses. Snyder grabbed me and a Bull grabbed Jack and led us to the Refuge.


Spot's P.O.V.

"Spot!" Ace yelled running up to me. I put out my cigarette and jumped down.

"Whatdaya want money I'se got money just leave me alone" I said starting to hand Ace a dollar.

"No, no I don't need money" Ace said pushing my hand away "Liz and Jack were taken to the Refuge their in court right now all of the Manhattan Newsies are there"

I dropped my money and ran to the courthouse. When I got there Liz was walking up to the Judge in handcuffs. I stood beside Race.


Elizabeth's P.O.V.

"I'll speak for this young lady" Seitz said. I rolled my eyes. "This girl's real name is Elizabeth Pulitzer she escaped from her house a few months ago and has been living with the Manhattan Newsies ever since. Therefore on the behalf of her father I ask that she return to her home with no visitors or outside contact until the age of eighteen"

I looked over and saw Spot coming towards me he shook his head and yanked his key of from around my neck and walked out the door. Tears started running down my face. I saw hurt in all of the Newsies.

"So ordered" the Judge confirmed.

Goodbye Spot.

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