Second thoughts

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Spot invited me to come live in Brooklyn with him and I excepted. I headed to Manhattan to pack my things it was late at night when I arrived. I went up and packed my bag when I was about to leave Jack came in the room.

"Hey can I talk ta ya?" he asked me.

"Sure" I replied "Whats going on?"

He stared at me for a while then he leaned in and kissed me. I pulled away stunned.

"Liz I'se sorry I'se didn't mean ta" Jack started.

Tears welled up in my eyes I picked up my bag ran to an alley and cried. Could it be could Jack Kelly having feelings for me? I wanted to forget what just happened but I couldn't. As I sat down I heard footsteps behind me I assumed it was Jack.

"Go away I'se don't wanna talk ta ya right now" I said.

"Whatsa matter pretty face?" asked a voice.

I turned around and behind me stood Oscar and Morris Delancy. Terror spread over my face.

"So we heard your Conlon's girl now" said Oscar.

"So where is he uh where's Brooklyn?" Morris asked he picked me up by my hair and slammed me against the brick wall. "Come on pretty face we could treat ya so much better than he ever could"

"Well I'se don't like ya so just back off" I said pushing him off me. I started walking away but, he grabbed me. Oscar held my hands behind my back as Morris was about to lean in to kiss me I heard the voice that I'd been dying to hear.

"Hands off Delancy's!" Spot yelled.

"Oh what are you gonna do about it Brooklyn?" Morris taunted.

"Hey Doll face do me a favor and turn around" Spot said I nodded and turned around until I heard the work of the cane stop. Spot grabbed my arm and we headed to Brooklyn.

"Spot" I said out of breath "I need ta take a break"

He looked at me with sympathy and took me behind some trash cans.

"Get some sleep I'll wake ya when we'se gotta go" Spot said.

"Thanks Spot" I said as I laid my head in his lap he pulled me into him and I drifted off to sleep.

*The next morning*

I woke up and the sun shined in my face.

"Dang" I said shielding my eyes from it.

"Watch out for the sun" Spot laughed.

"I have ta tell ya somethin" I said.

"Ok shoot" he said.

"Well so on my way to the lodging house last night I ran into Jack and he had to tell me something well more like my lips something" I said.

"He kissed you?" Spot yelled.

"Spot..." I began.

"He kissed you?" Spot repeated.

"Yes" I replied "Yes he kissed me"

Spot took off towards Manhattan I followed.

"Jacky boy!" Spot yelled "Come ere ya little twit!"

Some people looked at him like he was crazy other people looked frightened that the most feared Newsie in all of New York was near them. Spot ran all the way to the Boxing ring where Jack and David were selling.

"Jacky boy" Spot said.

"Whatdaya want Conlon?" Jack asked.

"Whatdaya doin making out wit me goil?" Spot questioned.

From Reno to Brooklyn  (Spot Conlon love story) Where stories live. Discover now