Baby your a Womanizer

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I walked into my house my dad greeted me.

"Princess thank goodness your ok" my dad said hugging me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Johnathan take my baby girl upstairs so that she can get ready for bed she's had a long day" my dad said.

I went up into my private bathroom and poured hot water into it as I was about to get in I realized that it was a Porcelain tub Spot told me he's always wanted to bathe in one a tear rolled down my face. After I got out of the tub I went into my room and got dressed for bed as I was about to turn off the light I heard a knock at my window. I opened it to see Race.

"Race what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to take you home to your real home" Race smiled.

"Thanks Race" I said kissing him on the cheek I put on my regular clothes put pillows under my sheets to make it look like I was still in the bed and headed down the fire escape with Race. We ran to the lodging house. I climbed up the stairs and crawled into my old bunk under Jack and fell asleep.

*The next morning*

I made my way to Brooklyn I had to tell Spot how sorry I was. When I got up to his perch a brunette girl was sitting on top of him not only that but they were kissing.

"Spot?" I asked well  more like squeaked he looked at me and broke away from the girl.

"Kat give me a minute" he said to the girl he jumped down.

"Why miss Pulitzer what can I'se do for you'se dis mornin?" he asked making fun of me.

"Why were you making out with her?" I asked him.

"Because she's my goilfriend dats why" he said "You'se got a problem wit dat?"

Tears started pouring I looked up and saw the key I used to wear around her neck. That's when I lost it.

"I can't believe I ever loved you I trusted you your a Womanizer you freak!" I yelled.

"Same here doll face oh excuse me that's to nice let me try again, you hoity toity, lying bitch" he said earning oh's from the Brooklyn Newsies.

I slapped him across the face and ran off tears running down my face. He's such an arrogant bastard.


Spot's P.O.V.

"Spotty boy come back up here" Kat called to me.

"Alright Kat you've had your fun now give me back my key and leave" I said.

"No can do Spotty baby" she said.

I walked to my room she followed and slammed the door behind her.

"Now if you want that little girl to stay safe your gonna have to do everything I say" Kat said.

"Anything" I replied "I'll do anything"

From Reno to Brooklyn  (Spot Conlon love story) Where stories live. Discover now