Shadewillow awoke with a start. She opened her eyes just in time to see Reedheart padding into her den. Reedheart flinched. " sorry I woke you!"
Shadewillow tried to sound awake. "Oh, no, you didn't wake me...." She stifled a yawn. Reedheart still looked worried. "Are you OK?" Shadewillow was startled now. She jumped up. "Of course!" Reedheart sighed. " good," shadewillow eyed her suspiciously. "Why do you suddenly care about me?" Reedheart bristled. " I was just trying to be nice!" And stomped out of the den. Great, there goes a possible friend. Why do I have to mess everything up?She too followed out more slowly. She noticed the fresh kill pile was low. "Frostfire, Stormpaw, Cloudstar!" She watched as they padded over to her. "Do you mind going hunting? The fresh kill pile is low."
"YAY!" they all yelled. They must be glad to have something to do.... Shadewillow suddenly realized she was the only one who hadn't worked yet. She decided to go hunting. As she padded out of camp towards the river, she spotted a vole. My favorite! She crouched low, her tail up. She was in luck; the prey scent was coming to her. She set her paws down lightly as air, leaned back, and....... POUNCED!! She caught it!! Just then, she heard a voice behind her," good catch, kittypet!"Sorry it's short again. I'll work on it. :)

Shadewillow: Fiery Loyalty, Shameful Story
FanfictionThe story of my OC and her general difficulties in her new clan life. Shadewillow is a normal warrior. Except.... She's part kittypet. Well.... She's FORCED to be. By twolegs. At first, when she joined her clan, CloudClan, she was judged by her warr...