chapter eighteen

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shadewillow blinked in surprise.  why would he be defending her?  Dog suddenly whipped around.  "how could you do this to my mate?" shadewillow raised her head defiantly. "i didnt-"

then broke off.

Dog called Tiger his mate.

she had hurt Dogs mate.

uh oh....... 

shadewillow slowly backed up. "y-youre mate?" she stammered. Dog stepped forward. "yes, my mate," he snarled at her. "is there a problem?" shadewillow couldn't understand. this arrogant she cat? Dog's mate??  she turned and pelted away, then stopped. the bell had rang. she slowly and cautiously padded twoards the line.  his MATE??  she still refused to understand. when the mentors came up and asked what happened, dog snarled, but said, "a tree cut her, thats all." 

shadewillow did nothing but watch.

Shadewillow: Fiery Loyalty, Shameful StoryWhere stories live. Discover now