Shadewillow slowly turned around to see Moonwhisker. " oh, Shadewillow, I'm so glad you're okay! What happened? Why were you so foolish? You could have-"
"Moonwhisker, hush. Take it easy on her."
Thanks, silentwhisper.
Moonwhisker instantly licked her chest fur. "Sorry."
Shadewillow smiled. "Its ok-" she broke off as she tried to stand and collapsed. Much to her surprise, Shadowbriar padded in. " you OK, Shadewillow? " he muttered.
That's weird.....
"Um, yeah, its cool...."
She heard what was supposed to be a subconscious sigh. "Good,"
He stared at her for a few heartbeats before padding out of the den. "Ooooohhhh.... Someone likes shadewillow!"
Shadewillow spun around. " do you know how long he's been teasing me? No, he can't like me. Someone sent him, I'm sure." Moonwhisker smiled but said nothing more.
Please, why would shadowbriar like me?AND HERE IT COMES!!! LOLZ SRRY ITS SHORT AGAIN

Shadewillow: Fiery Loyalty, Shameful Story
ФанфикThe story of my OC and her general difficulties in her new clan life. Shadewillow is a normal warrior. Except.... She's part kittypet. Well.... She's FORCED to be. By twolegs. At first, when she joined her clan, CloudClan, she was judged by her warr...