chapter fourteen

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Shadewillow just sat and stared at the wall, thinking of her dream.

Beware, there is one that will change your fate forever. If the one rises, your fate will be bright for a while, but afterwards, you will suffer a fate worse than death. If the one falls, your life will fall as well. You must make a choice between yourself and your clan.

"What's THAT supposed to mean?" She asked herself out loud. The one.. Shadewillow tried to shake the words off, but she just couldn't. The one...... The one..... The one...?


Finally found the strength to pad into camp. Choose between my self and my clan? Of course I would choose clan!
She thought crossly.
She bumped into a tree.
"Owwwwww!" Silent whisper ran right over. "Did you hurt your head again? Or are you just bleeding?" Shadewillow screwed up her muzzle. "Just bleeding." But she gasped in shock on how the blood lay.... In spots.....
She made sure to gasp quietly so she didn't alarm silent whisper as she led her into the den. Silent whisper started to prepare herbs, but Shadewillow pushed her away. "I know what to use," she hissed. She grabbed a wad of marigold,in case of infection, and dandelion to make sure the wound didn't get sour. She pushed them to silent whisper. "Chew these, please," she said through gritted teeth. Silent whisper chewed up the herbs and plastered them on her muzzle. "The one...." Shadewillow murmured to herself again. After the poultice was done, she officially pushed the "one" away from her mind and went hunting.

Shadewillow: Fiery Loyalty, Shameful StoryWhere stories live. Discover now