Two sunrises passed. You wouldn't believe the teasing that happened in that time. Shadewillow, for once, reacted.
*******flashback******** (first day)
Scarpelt: aww look at the poor shadewillow, trying to be tough!
Shadewillow: um excuse me, kitty? Do I know you?***flashback**** ( day two)
Reedheart: aw, poor Shadewillow messed up again!
Shadewillow: sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over the stench of crowfood on you.****************************************
( end of flashbacks)Shadewillow smirked. She felt much better. Just then, shadowbriar padded in with a vole. " I brought you this. "
A vole....... Her mouth watered. But why did it have to be shadowbriar that brought her food? Couldn't it be any other cat? I guess not.... "Thanks, shadowbriar," she purred. She almost bit into a he vole, when she realized.
"What did you do to the vole?" Shadowbriar leaped back, surprised. "Nothing!"
Shadewillow narrowed her eyes. "Why have you been so nice to me lately?" Shadowbriar looked at the ground.
Then, after several heartbeats passed, he hissed. "You know what? Never mind. I've been trying to be nice to you, but you won't let me! And you complain that you have no friends! Now think long and hard why." He stomped out.
Then, poked his head in. "If you decide to trust me, you can have that vole I caught for you."Oh, snap.

Shadewillow: Fiery Loyalty, Shameful Story
Fiksi PenggemarThe story of my OC and her general difficulties in her new clan life. Shadewillow is a normal warrior. Except.... She's part kittypet. Well.... She's FORCED to be. By twolegs. At first, when she joined her clan, CloudClan, she was judged by her warr...