Shadewillow padded through unfamiliar territory. Mist swirled around her, and she knew that this was a dream.
" not a dream, young one, but a vision."
Shadewillow purred at the familiar voice. She turned around to see her StarClan WatchOver, Spottedleaf.
..... Then she realized what she had said. " a-a vision?"
Spottedleaf purred."hush, young one." And she began to fade..... " wait! Spottedleaf! I don't understand!"
................... But the she cat was already gone...................

Shadewillow: Fiery Loyalty, Shameful Story
FanficThe story of my OC and her general difficulties in her new clan life. Shadewillow is a normal warrior. Except.... She's part kittypet. Well.... She's FORCED to be. By twolegs. At first, when she joined her clan, CloudClan, she was judged by her warr...